University of Adelaide


课程代码 课程名称
ACCTING 2500 Cost and Management Accounting
ACCTING 2501 Financial Accounting
ACCTING 3502 Auditing
BIOLOGY 1101 Biology I: Molecules, Genes and Cells
CHEM 1101 Foundations of Chemistry IA
COMMGMT 1001 Managing Organisations and People
COMMGMT 2500 Organisational Behaviour
COMMGMT 2511 Business Operations Management
COMMGMT 3501 Strategic Management
COMMGMT 3502 Human Resource Management
COMP SCI 1015 Introduction to Programming for Information Technology Specialists
CORPFIN 2503 Business Data Analytics
CORPFIN 3500 Corporate Finance Theory
CORPFIN 3502 Options, Futures & Risk Management
ECON 1009 International Financial Institutions and Markets I
ECON 2506 Intermediate Microeconomics II
ECON 2507 Intermediate Macroeconomics II
ECON 3510 International Finance III
ENGL 1101 Introduction to English Literature
JAPN 1001 Japanese IA
INTBUS 2500 International Business
MARKETNG 1001 Introduction to Marketing
MARKETNG 2501 Consumer Behaviour
MARKETNG 3501 Marketing to the World
MECH ENG 1007 Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics
PROJMGNT 2001 Project Management Methodologies and Concepts
PSYCHOL 1000/PSYCHOL 1001 Psychology IA/Psychology IB