课程代码 | 课程名称 |
CHEM-1001 | Introductory Chemistry I |
CHEM-1021 | Introductory Chemistry II |
COMM-1411 | Quantitative Analysis Business Decision Making |
COMM-2101 | Intro Financial Accounting I |
COMM-2131 | Management Accounting |
COMM-3161 | Introduction to Auditing |
COMP-1631 | Intro to Computer Science |
COMP-1731 | Prog. Techniques & Algorithms |
COMM-3501 | Introduction to Finance |
ECON-1001 | Principles of Microeconomics |
ECON-1011 | Principles of Macroeconomics |
ECON-2001 | Intermediate Microeconomics I |
ECON-2101 | Intermediate Macroeconomics I |
ECON-2701 | Introduction to Econometrics |
ECON-3301 | Introduction to Game Theory |
ECON-3801 | Environmental Economics |
ECON-3901 | International Trade |
ECON-3921 | International Finance |
ECON-4801 | Advanced Microeconomic Theory |
FINA-2501 | Photography I |
HIST 2511 | The American Experience to 1865 |
HIST 2521 | The American Experience After 1865 |
HIST 2731 | The Making of Modern Asia |
JAPA-1001 | Introductory Japanese I |
POLS-3311 | International Political Econ |
MATH-1121 | Calculus II |
MATH-2121 | Differential Equations |
MATH-2221 | Linear Algebra |
MATH-2321 | Statistics II |
MATH-3111 | Real Analysis I |
MATH-3211 | Modern Algebra I |
COMM-2301 | Organizational Behaviour I |
COMM-2000 | |
COMM-3211 | Consumer Behaviour |
MUSC-1001 | Fundamentals of Music I |
PHIL-2611 | Introductory Logic |
PHYS-1551 | General Physics II |
PSYC-1001 | Introduction to Psychology I |
PSYC-2301 | Social Psychology |
PSYC-3311 | Human Sexuality |
SOCI-1001 | Intro to Sociology |
MATH 2321 | Statistical Methods for Data Science |