课程代码 | 课程名称 |
Accounting 217 | Introductory Financial Accounting |
Accounting 323 | Introductory Managerial Accounting |
Accounting 341 | Intermediate Financial Accounting I |
Accounting 343 | Intermediate Financial Accounting II |
Accounting 361 | Cost Accounting |
Accounting 425 | Auditing |
Art History 201 | Introduction to Art History I |
Art History 203 | Introduction to Art History II |
Art History 319 | History of Photography |
Art History 327 | Renaissance Art |
Chemistry 201 | General Chemistry: Structure and Bonding |
Chemistry 203 | General Chemistry: Change and Equilibrium |
Chemistry 351 | Organic Chemistry I |
Computer Science 217 | Introduction to Computer Science for Multidisciplinary Studies I |
Computer Science 219 | Introduction to Computer Science for Multidisciplinary Studies II |
Computer Science 319 | Data Structures, Algorithms, and Their Applications |
Economics 201 | Principles of Microeconomics |
Economics 203 | Principles of Macroeconomics |
Economics 301 | Intermediate Economic Theory - Microeconomics I |
Economics 303 | Intermediate Economic Theory - Macroeconomics I |
Economics 337 | Development Economics |
Economics 341 | Money and Banking |
Economics 353 | Chinese Economy |
Economics 357 | Intermediate Economic Theory - Microeconomics II |
Economics 359 | Intermediate Economic Theory - Macroeconomics II |
Economics 377 | Economics and the Environment |
Economics 387 | Introduction to Mathematical Economics I |
Economics 395 | Introduction to Econometrics |
Economics 425 | International Trade |
English 251 | Literature and Society |
English 265 | Introductory Creative Writing |
Film 201 | Introduction to Film Studies |
Finance 317 | Financial Management |
History 203 | The World to 1500 |
History 204 | The World, 1500-1800 |
Japanese 205 | Beginners' Japanese I |
Japanese 207 | Beginners' Japanese II |
Marketing 341 | Foundation of Marketing |
Marketing 465 | Marketing Research |
Marketing 467 | International Marketing |
Mathematics 213 | Linear Algebra I |
Mathematics 265 | University Calculus I |
Mathematics 267 | University Calculus II |
Mathematics 271 | Discrete Mathematics |
Mathematics 277 | Multivariable Calculus for Engineers and Scientists |
Mathematics 318 | Introduction to Cryptography |
Mathematics 327 | Number Theory |
Mathematics 367 | University Calculus III |
Mathematics 376 | Differential Equations I |
Mathematics 413 | Introduction to Partial Differential Equations |
Philosophy 201/249 | Mind, Matter and God/Morality, Virtue and Society |
Philosophy 279 | Logic I |
Philosophy 313 | Bioethics |
Philosophy 329 | Business Ethics |
Philosophy 335 | Asian Philosophy |
Physics 211 | Mechanics |
Physics 223 | Introductory Electromagnetism, and Thermal Physics |
Physics 229 | Modern Physics |
Physics 259 | Electricity and Magnetism (for students in Engineering) |
Psychology 200/201 | Principles of Psychology I/II |
Psychology 204 | Human Sexuality |
Psychology 345 | Social Psychology |
Psychology 351 | Developmental Psychology |
Psychology 383 | Personality |
Psychology 385 | Abnormal Psychology |
Political Science 283 | Issues and Trends in World Politics |
Religious Studies 313 | Introduction to Buddhism |
Sociology 201 | Introductory Sociology |
Statistics 213 | Introduction to Statistics I |
Statistics 321 | Introduction to Probability |
Statistics 421 | Mathematical Statistics |