University of Toronto Mississauga


课程代码 课程名称
MGT120H5 Financial Accounting I
MGT223H5 Management Accounting I
MGT220H5 Intermediate Accounting I
MGT225H5 Intermediate Accounting II
BIO205H5 Ecology
BIO206H5 Introductory Cell and Molecular Biology
CHM110H5 Chemical Principles 1
CHM120H5 Chemical Principles 2
ECO101H5 Principles of Microeconomics
ECO102H5 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO200Y5 Microeconomic Theory
ECO208Y5 Macroeconomic Theory
ECO324H5 Economic Development
HIS271H5 US History, Colonial Era to 1877
HIS272H5 US History, 1877-present
JCP221H5 Thermodynamics
MAT202H5 Introduction to Discrete Mathematics
MAT223H5 Linear Algebra I
MAT244H5 Differential Equations I
MGT252H5 Principles of Marketing
MGT354H5 Consumer Behaviour
MGT374H5 Operations Management
PHL103H5 Introduction to Philosophy:Knowledge and Reality
PHL283H5 Bioethics
PHY136H5 Introductory Physics I
PHY137H5 Introductory Physics II
PHY146H5 Principles of Physics I
PHY147H5 Principles of Physics II
POL114H5 Politics in a Global World
POL203Y5 Politics and Government of the United States
PSY100Y5 Introductory Psychology
PSY210H5 Introduction to Developmental Psychology
PSY220H5 Introduction to Social Psychology
PSY240H5 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology
PSY351H5 Evolutionary Psychology
RLG101H5 Introduction to the Study of Religion
RLG206H5 Introduction to Buddhism
SOC100H5 Introduction to Sociology
STA215H5 Introduction to Applied Statistics
STA302H5 Regression Analysis