课程代码 | 课程名称 |
AHVS260 | Modern and Contemporary Art Icons |
BIOL184 | Evolution and Biodiversity |
BIOL225 | Principles of Cell Biology |
CHEM101 | Fundamentals of Chemistry from Atoms to Materials |
CHEM102 | Chemical Reactivity Fundamentals with Environmental Applications |
CHEM231 | Introduction to Organic Chemistry |
COM206B | Business English and Communications - Level II |
COM220 | Organizational Behaviour |
COM250 | Fundamentals of Marketing |
COM302 | Legal Environment of Business |
COM315 | Financial Accounting |
COM316 | Management Accounting |
COM341 | Operations Management |
COM361 | International Business |
COM410 | Leadership Strategies |
CSC106 | The Practice of Computer Science |
CSC110 | Fundamentals of Programming I |
CSC115 | Fundamentals of Programming II |
CSC225 | Algorithms and Data Structures I |
CSC330 | Programming Languages |
CSC361 | Computer Communications and Networks |
CSC370 | Database Systems |
ECE241 | Digital Design |
ECE330 | Electronic Circuits I |
ECE350 | Communications Theory and Systems I |
ECON103 | Principles of Microeconomics |
ECON104 | Principles of Macroeconomics |
ECON203 | Intermediate Microeconomics I |
ECON204 | Intermediate Macroeconomics |
ECON205 | Managerial Economics |
ECON345 | Applied Econometrics |
ECON400 | Advanced Topics in Microeconomic Theory |
ECON401 | Advanced Topics in Macroeconomic Theory |
ECON405A | International Trade Theory |
ENGL147 | Literary Traditions (AWR) |
ENGL203 | Introduction to American Literature |
ENGL203 | Introduction to American Literature |
HSTR112B | The World Since 1945-present |
HSTR210A | The United States to the Civil War |
HSTR210B | The United States since 1865 |
HSTR275 | Modern South Asia from Early Empires to Gandhi |
MATH100 | Calculus I |
MATH101 | Calculus II |
MATH200 | Calculus III |
MATH236 | Introduction to Real Analysis |
MATH311 | Linear Algebra |
MATH312 | Abstract Algebra I |
MATH342 | Intermediate Ordinary Differential Equations |
MATH346 | Introduction to Partial Differential Equations |
MATH352 | Introduction to Probability |
MATH451 | Probability |
MECH220 | Mechanics of Solids I |
MECH240 | Thermodynamics |
MECH242 | Dynamics |
MECH345 | Mechanics of Fluids |
MECH447 | Energy Systems |
MSE213 | Structure and Properties of Materials |
MUS116 | Music Appreciation |
PHIL100 | Introduction to Philosophy |
PHIL207A | Introduction to Ancient Philosophy |
PHIL330 | Professional and Business Ethics |
PHYS120 | Physics I |
PHYS130 | Physics II |
PHYS102A | General Physics I |
PHYS102B | General Physics II |
PSYC100A | Introductory Psychology I |
PSYC320 | Evolutionary Psychology |
PSYC330 | Personality |
PSYC334 | Organizational Psychology |
PSYC376 | Social Psychology of Sexuality |
RS200A | Introduction to Judaism, Christianity and Islam |
RS310 | Topics in the Study of Religion |
RS363 | The Buddhist Tradition |
SOCI100A | Introduction to Sociology: Understanding Social Life |
STAT350 | Mathematical Statistics I |
STAT353 | Applied Regression Analysis |
STAT359 | Data Analysis |
THEA150 | Public Speaking |