University of Victoria


课程代码 课程名称
AHVS260 Modern and Contemporary Art Icons
BIOL184 Evolution and Biodiversity
BIOL225 Principles of Cell Biology
CHEM101 Fundamentals of Chemistry from Atoms to Materials
CHEM102 Chemical Reactivity Fundamentals with Environmental Applications
CHEM231 Introduction to Organic Chemistry
COM206B Business English and Communications - Level II
COM220 Organizational Behaviour
COM250 Fundamentals of Marketing
COM302 Legal Environment of Business
COM315 Financial Accounting
COM316 Management Accounting
COM341 Operations Management
COM361 International Business
COM410 Leadership Strategies
CSC106 The Practice of Computer Science
CSC110 Fundamentals of Programming I
CSC115 Fundamentals of Programming II
CSC225 Algorithms and Data Structures I
CSC330 Programming Languages
CSC361 Computer Communications and Networks
CSC370 Database Systems
ECE241 Digital Design
ECE330 Electronic Circuits I
ECE350 Communications Theory and Systems I
ECON103 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON104 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON203 Intermediate Microeconomics I
ECON204 Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECON205 Managerial Economics
ECON345 Applied Econometrics
ECON400 Advanced Topics in Microeconomic Theory
ECON401 Advanced Topics in Macroeconomic Theory
ECON405A International Trade Theory
ENGL147 Literary Traditions (AWR)
ENGL203 Introduction to American Literature
ENGL203 Introduction to American Literature
HSTR112B The World Since 1945-present
HSTR210A The United States to the Civil War
HSTR210B The United States since 1865
HSTR275 Modern South Asia from Early Empires to Gandhi
MATH100 Calculus I
MATH101 Calculus II
MATH200 Calculus III
MATH236 Introduction to Real Analysis
MATH311 Linear Algebra
MATH312 Abstract Algebra I
MATH342 Intermediate Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH346 Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
MATH352 Introduction to Probability
MATH451 Probability
MECH220 Mechanics of Solids I
MECH240 Thermodynamics
MECH242 Dynamics
MECH345 Mechanics of Fluids
MECH447 Energy Systems
MSE213 Structure and Properties of Materials
MUS116 Music Appreciation
PHIL100 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL207A Introduction to Ancient Philosophy
PHIL330 Professional and Business Ethics
PHYS120 Physics I
PHYS130 Physics II
PHYS102A General Physics I
PHYS102B General Physics II
PSYC100A Introductory Psychology I
PSYC320 Evolutionary Psychology
PSYC330 Personality
PSYC334 Organizational Psychology
PSYC376 Social Psychology of Sexuality
RS200A Introduction to Judaism, Christianity and Islam
RS310 Topics in the Study of Religion
RS363 The Buddhist Tradition
SOCI100A Introduction to Sociology: Understanding Social Life
STAT350 Mathematical Statistics I
STAT353 Applied Regression Analysis
STAT359 Data Analysis
THEA150 Public Speaking