课程代码 | 课程名称 |
SB/ACTG 2010 | Introduction To Financial Accounting I |
SB/ACTG 2020 | Management Accounting Concepts |
SB/ACTG 4600 | Auditing Standards & Applications |
SC/BIOL 1000 | Biology I - Cells, Molecular Biology and Genetics |
SC/BIOL 1001 | Biology II - Evolution, Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation Biology |
SC/CHEM 2011 | Introduction to Thermodynamics |
SC/CHEM 1500 | Introduction to Chemistry |
SC/CHEM 2020 | Introductory Organic Chemistry I |
LE/EECS 2200 | Electrical Circuits |
LE/EECS 3505 | Electrical Systems for Mechanical Engineers |
LE/EECS 3602 | Systems and Random Processes in Discrete Time |
AP/ECON 1000 | Introduction to Microeconomics |
AP/ECON 1010 | Introduction to Macroeconomics |
AP/ECON 2300 | Intermediate Microeconomic Theory I |
AP/ECON 2400 | Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory I |
AP/ECON 4010 | Advanced Microeconomic Theory |
AP/ECON 4210 | Econometrics |
AP/ESL 1010 | Advancing Reading and Writing in Academic Contexts |
FA/FILM 1400 | Film Art: An Introduction |
SB/FINE 2000 | Introduction To Finance |
SB/FINE 3810 | Fixed Income Fundamentals |
AP/HIST 3618 | United States Since 1945 |
AP/HIST 2750 | African History, from 1800 to the Present |
GL/MATH 1013 | Calculus I |
GL/MATH 1014 | Calculus II |
SC/MATH 1021 | Linear Algebra I |
GL/MATH 3400 | Differential Equations |
SC/MATH 2280 | The Mathematical Theory of Interest |
SC/MATH 1025 | Applied Linear Algebra |
SC/MATH 2001 | Real Analysis l |
SC/MATH 3271 | Partial Differential Equations |
LE/MECH 2302 | Dynamics |
LE/MECH 2201 | Thermodynamics |
LE/MECH 3202 | Fluid Dynamics |
GL/BUEC 3646 | Business Information Systems |
SB/IBUS 3100 | Introduction to International Business |
SB/MGMT 4700 | Project Management |
AP/HRM 2600 | Human Resources Management |
SB/MKTG 4150 | Consumer Behaviour |
SB/MKTG 4400 | International Marketing |
SB/MKTG 3100 | Marketing Research |
FA/MUSI 1001 | The Basics of Music |
AP/PHIL 1000 | Introduction to Philosophy |
AP/PHIL 2035 | Asian Philosophical Traditions |
AP/POLS 2940 | Introduction to International Politics |
AP/POLS 3540 | American Government and Politics |
AP/POLS 3270 | Global Political Economy I: Theory and Approaches |
HH/PSYC 1010 | Introduction to Psychology |
HH/PSYC 2120 | Social Psychology |
HH/PSYC 2130 | Personality |
AP/SOCI 1010 | Introduction to Sociology |
SC/MATH 2565 | Introduction to Applied Statistics |
SC/MATH 2930 | Introductory Probability and Statistics |
SC/MATH 3330 | Regression Analysis |
SC/MATH 3131 | Mathematical Statistics I |