课程代码 | 课程名称 |
AHIS BC1001 | Introduction to Art History I |
AHIS BC1002 | Introduction to the History of Art II |
BIOL BC1500 | Introduction to Organismal and Evolutionary Biology |
BIOL BC1502 | Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology |
CHEM BC2001 | General Chemistry I |
CHEM BC2002 | General Chemistry II |
CHEM BC3230 | Organic Chemistry I |
COMS W1004 | Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Java |
COMS W3101 | Programming Languages |
COMS W4112 | Database System Implementation |
COMS W4118 | Operating Systems |
ECON BC1003 | Introduction to Economic Reasoning |
ECON BC2020 | Introduction to Development Economics |
ECON BC3047 | International Trade |
ECON GU4228 | Urban Economics |
ECON UN3265 | The Economics of Money and Banking |
ECON GU4280 | Corporate Finance |
ECON UN3211 | Intermediate Microeconomics |
ECON UN3213 | Intermediate Macroeconomics |
ENGL BC3121 | Public Speaking |
HIST BC1401 | Survey of American Civilization to the Civil War |
HIST BC1402 | Survey of American Civilization Since the Civil War |
MATH UN2030 | Ordinary Differential Equations |
MATH UN3028 | Partial Differential Equations |
MATH UN1101 | Calculus I |
MATH UN1102 | Calculus II |
MATH UN1201 | Calculus III |
MATH UN2010 | Linear Algebra |
MUSI BC1001 | An Introduction to Music I |
PHIL UN1010 | Methods and Problems of Philosophical Thought |
PHIL UN1401 | Introduction to Logic |
PHYS UN1201 | General Physics I |
PHYS UN1202 | General Physics II |
POLS UN1201 | Introduction To American Government and Politics |
PSYC BC1001 | Introduction to Psychology |
PSYC BC1125 | Psychology of Personality |
PSYC BC1129 | Developmental Psychology |
PSYC BC1136/PSYC BC1138 | Social Psychology |
PSYC BC2141 | Abnormal Psychology |
PSYC BC2151 | Organizational Psychology |
RELI UN2307 | Chinese Religious Traditions |
SOCI UN1000 | The Social World |
SOCI UN3000 | Social Theory |
STAT UN1001 | Introduction to Statistical Reasoning |
STAT UN2103 | Applied Linear Regression Analysis |