Barnard College


课程代码 课程名称
AHIS BC1001 Introduction to Art History I
AHIS BC1002 Introduction to the History of Art II
BIOL BC1500 Introduction to Organismal and Evolutionary Biology
BIOL BC1502 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology
CHEM BC2001 General Chemistry I
CHEM BC2002 General Chemistry II
CHEM BC3230 Organic Chemistry I
COMS W1004 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Java
COMS W3101 Programming Languages
COMS W4112 Database System Implementation
COMS W4118 Operating Systems
ECON BC1003 Introduction to Economic Reasoning
ECON BC2020 Introduction to Development Economics
ECON BC3047 International Trade
ECON GU4228 Urban Economics
ECON UN3265 The Economics of Money and Banking
ECON GU4280 Corporate Finance
ECON UN3211 Intermediate Microeconomics
ECON UN3213 Intermediate Macroeconomics
ENGL BC3121 Public Speaking
HIST BC1401 Survey of American Civilization to the Civil War
HIST BC1402 Survey of American Civilization Since the Civil War
MATH UN2030 Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH UN3028 Partial Differential Equations
MATH UN1101 Calculus I
MATH UN1102 Calculus II
MATH UN1201 Calculus III
MATH UN2010 Linear Algebra
MUSI BC1001 An Introduction to Music I
PHIL UN1010 Methods and Problems of Philosophical Thought
PHIL UN1401 Introduction to Logic
PHYS UN1201 General Physics I
PHYS UN1202 General Physics II
POLS UN1201 Introduction To American Government and Politics
PSYC BC1001 Introduction to Psychology
PSYC BC1125 Psychology of Personality
PSYC BC1129 Developmental Psychology
PSYC BC1136/PSYC BC1138 Social Psychology
PSYC BC2141 Abnormal Psychology
PSYC BC2151 Organizational Psychology
RELI UN2307 Chinese Religious Traditions
SOCI UN1000 The Social World
SOCI UN3000 Social Theory
STAT UN1001 Introduction to Statistical Reasoning
STAT UN2103 Applied Linear Regression Analysis