Boston College


课程代码 课程名称
ACCT102101 Financial Accounting
ACCT102201 Managerial Accounting
ACCT330901 Audit and Other Assurance Services
ACCT330701 Managerial Cost and Strategic Analysis
ARTH110101 Art: Prehistoric to Middle Ages
ARTH110201 Art: Renaissance to Modern Times
BIOL200001 Molecules and Cells
BIOL201001 Ecology and Evolution
BSLW102101 Law I--Introduction to Law and Legal Process
CHEM110901 General Chemistry I
CHEM111001 General Chemistry II
COMM103001 Public Speaking
CSCI110101 Computer Science I
CSCI110201 Computer Science II
ECON113201 Principles of Economics I—Macro
ECON113101 Principles of Economics II—Micro
ECON220101 Microeconomic Theory
ECON220201 Macroeconomic Theory
ECON337101 International Trade
FILM117101 Filmmaking I
BCOM668801 Business Writing and Communication Skills for Managers
MFIN102101 Fundamentals of Finance
MFIN112702 Corporate Finance
MFIN223001 International Finance
HIST240101 U.S. History I
HIST240201 U.S. History II
MATH110001 Calculus I
MATH110101 Calculus II
MATH221001 Linear Algebra
MATH441001 Differential Equations
MATH220201 Multivariable Calculus
MGMT102101 Organizational Behavior
MGMT211001 Human Resources Management
OPER102101 Operations Management
MKTG102101 Marketing Principles
MKTG215201 Consumer Behavior
MKTG215301 Customer Research and Insights for Marketing Decisions
MUSA110001 Fundamentals of Music Theory
PHYS210001 Introduction to Physics I (Calculus)
PHYS210101 Introduction to Physics II (Calculus)
POLI102101 How to Rule the World: Introduction to Political Theory
POLI230101 Policy and Politics in the U.S.
PSYC111101 Introduction to Psychology as a Social Science
PSYC224101 Social Psychology
PHIL107001 Philosophy of the Person I
SOCY100101 Introductory Sociology
MATH335301 Statistics