课程代码 | 课程名称 |
ACCT 2000 | Accounting Concepts for Nonbusiness Students |
ACCT 2210 | Accounting and Business Concepts I |
ACCT 2220 | Accounting and Business Concepts II |
ACCT 3210 | Intermediate Financial Accounting I |
ACCT 3310 | Intermediate Managerial Accounting |
ARTH 1450 | Western Art I |
ARTH 1460 | Western Art II |
ARTH 3350 | Art of the Italian Renaissance |
ARTH 3370 | Northern Renaissance Art |
ARTH 3630 | Modern Architecture |
ARTH 3650 | Histories of Photography: Theory and Criticism from Invention to Present |
BAT 2010/MAMT 3610 | Human Resource Management |
BAT 2040 | Marketing |
BIOL 2040 | Concepts in Biology I |
BIOL 2050 | Concepts in Biology II |
CHEM 1230/CHEM 1240 | General Chemistry I |
CHEM 1270/CHEM 1280 | General Chemistry II |
CHEM 3410 | Organic Chemistry |
CHEM 3080 | Basic Biochemistry |
COMM 1020 | Introduction to Public Speaking |
COMM 2010 | Communication Theory |
COMM 2050 | Business and Professional Speaking |
COMM 2070 | Interpersonal Communication |
COMM 4180 | Communication Ethics |
CS 2010 | Programming Fundamentals |
CS 2020 | Intermediate Programming |
CS 3060 | Programming Languages |
CS 3080 | Operating Systems |
CS 3200 | Introduction to Machine Learning |
CS 3350 | Data Structures |
CS 4620 | Database Management Systems |
ECON 2000 | Introduction to Economics |
ECON 2020 | Principles of Microeconomics |
ECON 2030 | Principles of Macroeconomics |
ECON 3020 | Intermediate Microeconomic Theory |
ECON 3030 | Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory |
ECON 3040 | Managerial Economics |
ECON 3110 | Money and Banking |
ECON 3350 | Environmental Economics |
ECON 4010 | Mathematical Economics |
ECON 4020 | Econometrics |
ECON 4050 | Game Theory |
ECON 4620 | Urban Economics |
ENG 2010 | Introduction to Literature |
ENG 2040 | Imaginative Writing |
ENG 2070 | Intermediate Writing |
ENG 2740 | Survey of American Literature to 1865 |
ENG 2750 | Survey of American Literature, 1865-1945 |
ENGT 2480 | Dynamics |
FIN 3500 | Corporate Finance |
HIST 1250 | Early America |
HIST 1260 | Modern America |
JAPN 1010 | Elementary Language and Culture I |
MATH 1150 | Introduction to Statistics |
MATH 1310 | Calculus and Analytic Geometry |
MATH 2220 | Discrete Mathematics |
MATH 2320 | Calculus and Analytic Geometry II |
MATH 2330 | Calculus and Analytic Geometry III |
MATH 3320 | Elementary Linear Algebra |
MATH 3370 | Differential Equations |
MGMT 3050 | Principles of Organization and Management |
MGMT 3600 | Organizational Theory and Behavior |
MGMT 3900 | Business in the Global Arena |
MKT 2010 | Introduction to Marketing Management |
MKT 3000 | Principles of Marketing for Non-Business Majors |
MKT 3020 | Consumer Behavior |
MKT 3200 | Marketing Research |
MUCT 1010 | Exploring Music |
MUCT 1100 | Elements of Music |
PHIL 1010 | Introduction to Philosophy |
PHIL 1020 | Introduction to Ethics |
PHIL 1030 | Introduction to Logic |
PHIL 2110 | History of Ancient Philosophy |
PHIL 2170 | World Religions |
PHIL 2200 | Business Ethics |
PHYS 2010 | College Physics I |
PHYS 2020 | College Physics II |
PHYS 2110 | University Physics I |
PHYS 2120 | University Physics II |
POLS 1100 | American Government: Processes and Structure |
POLS 1720 | Introduction to International Relations |
PSYC 1010 | General Psychology |
PSYC 3100 | Lifespan Developmental Psychology |
PSYC 4050 | Psychology of Abnormal Behavior |
SOC 1010 | Principles of Sociology |
SOC 3020 | Introduction to Sociological Theory |
STAT 2000 | Using Statistics |
STAT 4020 | Regression Analysis |