Bowling Green State University


课程代码 课程名称
ACCT 2000 Accounting Concepts for Nonbusiness Students
ACCT 2210 Accounting and Business Concepts I
ACCT 2220 Accounting and Business Concepts II
ACCT 3210 Intermediate Financial Accounting I
ACCT 3310 Intermediate Managerial Accounting
ARTH 1450 Western Art I
ARTH 1460 Western Art II
ARTH 3350 Art of the Italian Renaissance
ARTH 3370 Northern Renaissance Art
ARTH 3630 Modern Architecture
ARTH 3650 Histories of Photography: Theory and Criticism from Invention to Present
BAT 2010/MAMT 3610 Human Resource Management
BAT 2040 Marketing
BIOL 2040 Concepts in Biology I
BIOL 2050 Concepts in Biology II
CHEM 1230/CHEM 1240 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1270/CHEM 1280 General Chemistry II
CHEM 3410 Organic Chemistry
CHEM 3080 Basic Biochemistry
COMM 1020 Introduction to Public Speaking
COMM 2010 Communication Theory
COMM 2050 Business and Professional Speaking
COMM 2070 Interpersonal Communication
COMM 4180 Communication Ethics
CS 2010 Programming Fundamentals
CS 2020 Intermediate Programming
CS 3060 Programming Languages
CS 3080 Operating Systems
CS 3200 Introduction to Machine Learning
CS 3350 Data Structures
CS 4620 Database Management Systems
ECON 2000 Introduction to Economics
ECON 2020 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 2030 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 3020 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
ECON 3030 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
ECON 3040 Managerial Economics
ECON 3110 Money and Banking
ECON 3350 Environmental Economics
ECON 4010 Mathematical Economics
ECON 4020 Econometrics
ECON 4050 Game Theory
ECON 4620 Urban Economics
ENG 2010 Introduction to Literature
ENG 2040 Imaginative Writing
ENG 2070 Intermediate Writing
ENG 2740 Survey of American Literature to 1865
ENG 2750 Survey of American Literature, 1865-1945
ENGT 2480 Dynamics
FIN 3500 Corporate Finance
HIST 1250 Early America
HIST 1260 Modern America
JAPN 1010 Elementary Language and Culture I
MATH 1150 Introduction to Statistics
MATH 1310 Calculus and Analytic Geometry
MATH 2220 Discrete Mathematics
MATH 2320 Calculus and Analytic Geometry II
MATH 2330 Calculus and Analytic Geometry III
MATH 3320 Elementary Linear Algebra
MATH 3370 Differential Equations
MGMT 3050 Principles of Organization and Management
MGMT 3600 Organizational Theory and Behavior
MGMT 3900 Business in the Global Arena
MKT 2010 Introduction to Marketing Management
MKT 3000 Principles of Marketing for Non-Business Majors
MKT 3020 Consumer Behavior
MKT 3200 Marketing Research
MUCT 1010 Exploring Music
MUCT 1100 Elements of Music
PHIL 1010 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 1020 Introduction to Ethics
PHIL 1030 Introduction to Logic
PHIL 2110 History of Ancient Philosophy
PHIL 2170 World Religions
PHIL 2200 Business Ethics
PHYS 2010 College Physics I
PHYS 2020 College Physics II
PHYS 2110 University Physics I
PHYS 2120 University Physics II
POLS 1100 American Government: Processes and Structure
POLS 1720 Introduction to International Relations
PSYC 1010 General Psychology
PSYC 3100 Lifespan Developmental Psychology
PSYC 4050 Psychology of Abnormal Behavior
SOC 1010 Principles of Sociology
SOC 3020 Introduction to Sociological Theory
STAT 2000 Using Statistics
STAT 4020 Regression Analysis