Cal Poly Pomona


课程代码 课程名称
ACC 2070 Financial Accounting for Decision Making
ACC 2080 Managerial Accounting for Decision Making
ACC 3110 Intermediate Accounting I
ACC 3120 Intermediate Accounting II
ACC 3210 Cost Accounting
BIO 1210&BIO 1210L Foundations of Biology: Energy, Matter, and Information&Laboratory
BIO 1220&BIO 1220L Foundations of Biology: Evolution, Ecology, and Biodiversity & Laboratory
BUS 4950 Strategic Management
CHM 1210 &CHM 1210L General Chemistry I&Laboratory I
CHM 1220&CHM 1220L General Chemistry II&Laboratory II
CHM 3140 Organic Chemistry I
CIS 3100 Management Information Systems
COM 1100 Public Speaking
COM 1103 Interpersonal Communication
COM 2201 Introduction to Communication Theory
CS 1280 Introduction to C++
CS 1300 Discrete Structures
CS 4080 Concepts of Programming Languages
CS 4310 Operating Systems
CS 4350 Database Systems
EC 2201 Principles of Microeconomics
EC 2202 Principles of Macroeconomics
EC 4401 Intermediate Microeconomics
EC 4403 Intermediate Macroeconomics
EC 4406 Mathematical Economics
EC 4408 Money and Banking
EC 4430 Economic Development
EC 4432 Urban Economics
EC 4444 Econometrics
ECE 1101 Electrical Circuit Analysis I
ECE 3250 Electromagnetic Fields
ECE 3310 Data Structures and Algorithms
ENG 1100 Stretch Composition I
ENG 1101 Stretch Composition II
ENG 2300 American Literature to 1865
ENG 2320 American Literature Since 1865
ENG 2885 Introduction to Fiction
ETE 3211 Electronic Systems
FRL 3000 Managerial Finance
FRL 3151 Financial Markets and Institutions
FRL 3301 Investments
HST 1101 World Civilizations to 1500
HST 1102 World Civilizations from 1500
HST 2201 United States History to 1877
HST 2202 United States History, 1877-Present
IBM 3012 Principles of Marketing Management
IBM 3302 Marketing Research
IBM 4112 Consumer Behavior
MAT 1140 Calculus I
MAT 1150 Calculus II
MAT 1250 Introductory Calculus for Business
MAT 2140 Calculus III
MAT 2240 Elementary Linear Algebra and Differential Equations
MAT 3140 Introduction to Real Analysis I
MAT 4170 Introduction to Abstract Algebra I
ME 2191 Mechanics of Materials
ME 3011 Thermodynamics
ME 3111 Fluid Mechanics
MHR 3010 Principles of Management
MHR 3020 Organizational Behavior
MHR 3210 Human Resources Management
MU 1010 Music Appreciation
MU 1201 Music Theory I: Diatonic Harmony
PHL 2010 Ultimate Questions: An Introduction to Philosophy
PHL 2050 Business and Professional Ethics
PHL 2200 Religions of the World
PHL 3120 History of Ancient Philosophy
PHL 3330 Bioethics
PHY 1210&PHY 1210L Physics of Motion, Fluids, and Heat & Laboratory
PHY 1220&PHY 1220L Physics of Electromagnetism, Circuits, and Light& Laboratory
PLS 2010 Introduction to American Government
PLS 2030 Introduction to International Relations
PLS 3541 International Political Economy
PSY 2201 Introduction to Psychology
PSY 3332 Organizational Psychology
PSY 4150 Abnormal Psychology
SOC 2201 Introduction to Sociology
STA 1200 Statistics with Applications
STA 2100 Introduction to Statistics
STA 2200 Introduction to Probability
STA 4320 Applied Regression Analysis
STA 4400 Mathematical Statistics I
TOM 3010 Operations Management
TOM 4360 Project Management