California Institute of Technology


课程代码 课程名称
Ae/APh/CE/ME 101 Fluid Mechanics
ACM 11 Introduction to Computational Science and Engineer-ing
ACM/IDS 104 Applied Linear Algebra
APh 17 abc Thermodynamics
BEM 102 Introduction to Accounting
BEM 103 Introduction to Finance
BEM 104 Investments
BEM 107 Corporate Finance
BEM 112 International Financial Markets
BEM/Ec/ESE 119 Environmental Economics
Ch 1 ab General Chemistry
Ch 41 Organic Chemistry
CS 4 Fundamentals of Computer Programming
Ma/CS 6/106 Introduction to Discrete Mathematics
CS 24 Introduction to Computing Systems
CS 124 Operating Systems
CS 131 Programming Languages
Ec 122 Econometrics
PS/Ec 172 Game Theory
Hum/H 12 Social Theory
Hum/Pl 39 Ancient Greek Philosophy
Hum/Pl 40 Right and Wrong
Hum/VC 50 Introduction to Film
L 106 abc Elementary Japanese
L 106 abc Elementary Japanese
Ma 2/102 Differential Equations
Ma 5/105 abc Introduction to Abstract Algebra
Ma 3/103 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Mu 51 Understanding Music
Mu 57 Fundamentals of Music Theory and Elementary Ear Train
PS 12 Introduction to Political Science
Psy 13 Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience
VC 171 Arts of Buddhism
Wr 2 Introduction to Academic Writing