California State University,LongBeach


课程代码 课程名称
ACCT 201 Elementary Financial Accounting
ACCT 202 Managerial Accounting
ACCT 300A  Intermediate Accounting
ACCT 300B Intermediate Accounting
AH 111A Foundation Art History I
AH 111B Foundation Art History II
ART 241 Introduction to Photography
BIOL 200 General Biology
BIOL 200 General Biology
BIOL 211 Introduction to Evolution and Diversity
BIOL 212 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology
BLAW 320 Legal and Regulatory Environment of Business
CBA 300 International Business
CHEM 111A General Chemistry
CHEM 111B General Chemistry
CECS 275 Programming and Data Structures in C++
CECS 277 Object Oriented Application Development
CECS 274 Data Structures
COMM 130 Essentials of Public Speaking
ECON 101 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 100 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 310 Microeconomic Theory
ECON 311 Macroeconomic Theory
ENGL 100A Composition I
ENGL 100B Composition II
ENGL 180 Appreciation of Literature
ENGL 270A Survey of American Literature
ENGL 270B Survey of American Literature
ECON 320 Money and Banking
HIST 131 Early Western Civilization
HIST 132 Modern Western Civilization
HIST 173 Recent United States History
HIST 172 Early United States History
MGMT 300 Principles of Management and Operations
HRM 360 Organizational Behavior
MKTG 300 Principles of Marketing
MKTG 490 Consumer Behavior
MKTG 470 Marketing Research
MATH 122 Calculus I
MATH 123 Calculus II
MATH 247 Introduction to Linear Algebra
MATH 224 Calculus III
PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy
CBA 400 Business Ethics
PHYS 100A General Physics
PHYS 100B General Physics
PSY 100 General Psychology
R/ST 100 Introduction to Religion
SOC 100 Principles of Sociology