Central Michigan University


课程代码 课程名称
ACC 101 Introduction to Accounting
ACC 201 Concepts of Financial Accounting
ACC 202 Concepts of Managerial Accounting
ACC 301 Intermediate Accounting I
ACC 302 Intermediate Accounting II
ACC 321 Managerial Cost Accounting
ART 241 Introduction to Photography
ART 283 Introduction to Western Art, Part I
ART 285 Introduction to Western Art, Part II
ART 341 History of Photography
BIO 111 Foundations of Evolution and Diversity
BIO 112 Foundations of Cell Biology
CHM 131 General Chemistry I
CHM 132 General Chemistry II
CHM 345 Organic Chemistry I
COM 251 Foundations of Communication Theory
CPS 110 Information Technology Programming I
CPS 240 Object-Oriented Programming, Analysis and Design
CPS 450 Programming Language Concepts
CPS 470 Introduction to Operating Systems
ECO 201 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 202 Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 301 Environmental Economics
ECO 306 Money and Banking
ECO 365 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
ECO 370 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
ECO 385 Introduction to Econometrics
ECO 440 Managerial Economics
EGR 255 Strength of Materials
EGR 358 Fluid Mechanics
ENG 101 Freshman Composition
ENG 201 Intermediate Composition
ENG 251 American Literature: Colonial Through the Romantic Period
ENG 252 American Literature: Realistic Period to the Present
ENG 303WI Technical Writing
FIN 315 Principles of Investments
FIN 332 Managerial Finance
HST 101 The Development of Western Civilization: From Ancient Times to 1700 A.D
HST 102 The Development of Western Civilization: From 1700 to the Present
HST 111 The Quest for Liberty: The United States to 1865
HST 112 The Struggle for Equality: The United States, 1865-Present
HST 201 World History to 1500
HST 202 World History since 1400
JPN 101 Elementary Japanese I
JPN 102 Elementary Japanese II
MGT 312 Introduction to Management
MGT 320 Human Resource Management
MGT 340 Production/Operations Management
MGT 348 Dynamics of Organizational Behavior
MGT 365 International Business
MKT 300 Introduction to Marketing
MKT 305 Buyer Behavior
MTH 132 Calculus I
MTH 133 Calculus II
MTH 233 Calculus III
MTH 175 Discrete Mathematics
MTH 232 Linear Algebra and Differential Equations
MTH 334 Differential Equations
MTH 375 Discrete Structures
MUS 101 Fundamentals of Music Theory
PHL 100 Introduction to Philosophy
PHL 200 History of Philosophy: Classical Period
PHY 130QR&PHY 170 College Physics I&College Physics Laboratory I
PHY 131&PHY 171 College Physics II&College Physics Laboratory II
PHY 145QRPHY 175 University Physics I&University Physics Laboratory I
PHY 146&PHY 176 University Physics II&University Physics Laboratory II
PSC 105 Introduction to American Government and Politics
PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology
PSY 220 Developmental Psychology
PSY 250 Abnormal Psychology
PSY 332 Evolutionary Psychology
REL 101 World Religions: An Introduction to the Study of Religion
REL 220 Religious Traditions of China
SOC 100 Introductory Sociology
SOC 201 Social Psychology
SOC 301 Sociological Theory
STA 282Q Introduction to Statistics