Florida Institute of Technology


课程代码 课程名称
EAC 2211/BUS 2211 Principles of Accounting 1
EAC 2212/BUS 2212 Principles of Accounting 2
EAC/BUS 3211 Intermediate Accounting 1
EAC/BUS 3212 Intermediate Accounting 2
EAC 3331 Cost Accounting
HUM 2141 World Art History 1: Pre-History to Early Global Awareness
HUM 2142 World Art History 2: Early Modern to Post-Colonial
BIO 1010 Biological Discovery 1
BIO 1020 Biological Discovery 2
BUS 2601/HUM 2401 Legal and Social Environments of Business/Introduction to Law
BUS 2703/CSE 2400 Business Statistics
BUS 3401 Corporate Finance
BUS 3503 Human Resource Management
BUS 3504 Management Information Systems
BUS 3605 Consumer Behavior
BUS 4701 International Business
BUS 3607 Marketing Research
CHM 1101+1111 General Chemistry 1+Lab
CHM 1102+1112 General Chemistry 2+Lab
CHM 2001 Organic Chemistry 1
CVE 3030 Fluid Mechanics
CSE 2010 Algorithms and Data Structures
CIS 1502 Programming in Java
CSE 1502/CIS 2502 Programming in C++/Introduction to Software Development With C++
CSE 1001 Fundamentals of Software Development 1
CSE 1002 Fundamentals of Software Development 2
CSE 4001 Operating Systems Concepts
CSE 4020 Database Systems
BUS 1301 Basic Economics
BUS/EEC 2304 Microeconomics
BUS/EEC 2303 Macroeconomics
WRI 1000/COM 1101 First-Year Writing 1/Composition and Rhetoric
WRI 1001/COM 1102 First-Year Writing 2/Writing About Literature
COM 2224 Business and Professional Writing
COM 2370 Speech
HUM 2212 British and American Literature 1
HUM 2213 British and American Literature 2
HUM 2051 Civilization 1: Ancient Through Medieval
HUM 2052 Civilization 2: Renaissance Through Modern
HUM 2331 American History: Pre-Columbian to Civil War Era
HUM 2332 American History: From Reconstruction to the Present
HUM 2480 Introduction to Political Science
HUM 2490 Introduction to International Politics
MTH 115 Introduction to Statistics
MTH 1051 Introductory Discrete Mathematics
MTH 1001 Calculus 1
MTH 1002 Calculus 2
MTH 1051 Introductory Discrete Mathematics
MTH 2001 Calculus 3
MTH 2051 Discrete Mathematics
MTH 2202 Linear Algebra for Differential Equations
MTH 3102 Introduction to Linear Algebra
MTH 3210 Introduction to Partial Differential Equations and Applications
MUS 1310 Music Theory and Ear Training
HUM 1023 Philosophy of Human Nature
PHY 1001+2091 Physics 1+Lab
PHY 2002+2092 Physics 2+Lab
PSY 1411 Introduction to Psychology
PSY 1463 Human Sexuality
PSY 2000 Life Span Development and Psychology
SOC 1101 Human Behavior Perspective