Hobartand William Smith Colleges


课程代码 课程名称
ECON 196 Principles of Accounting
ARTH 101 Introduction to Art: Ancient and Medieval
ARTH 102 Introduction to Western Art: Renaissance through Modern
ECON 198 Business Law
CHEM 110 Intro. General Chemistry
CHEM 120 Interm. General Chemistry
CHEM 240 Organic Chemistry I
CPSC 124 Introduction to Programming
CPSC 225 Intermediate Programming
CPSC 327 Data Structures & Algorithms
ECON 301 Microeconomic Theory and Policy
ECON 300 Macroeconomic Theory and Policy
ECON 212 Environmental Economics
ECON 240 International Trade
ECON 315 Managerial Economics
ENG 250 Early American Literature
ENG 260 Modern American Literature
ECON 308 Corporation Finance
HIST 233 History of American Thought to 1865
HIST 234 History of American Thought from 1865
MATH 130 Calculus I
MATH 131 Calculus II
MATH 204 Linear Algebra
MATH 237 Differential Equations
MATH 232 Multivariable Calculus
MATH 375 Abstract Algebra I
ECON 202 Statistics
MUS 110 Introduction to Music Theory
PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 370 Ancient Philosophy
PHYS 150 Introduction to Physics I
PHYS 160 Introduction to Physics II
POL 180 Introduction to International Relatio
POL 110 Introduction to American Politic
PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology
PSY 227 Introduction to Social Psychology
PSY 243 Organizational Psychology
PSY 220 Introduction to Personality
REL 211 Buddhism
SOC 100 Introduction Sociology
MATH 350 Probability
MATH 351 Mathematical Statistics