Indiana Unversity of Pennsylvania


课程代码 课程名称
ACCT 200 Foundations of Accounting
ACCT 201 Accounting Principles I
ACCT 202 Accounting Principles II
ACCT 304 Intermediate Accounting I
ACCT 305 Intermediate Accounting II
ACCT 311 Cost Accounting
ARHI 205 Ancient to Medieval Art
ARHI 207 Renaissance through Modern Art
ARHI 425 Arts of China
BIOL 202 Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL 201 Principles of Ecology and Evolution
BIOL 155 Human Physiology and Anatomy
BLAW 235 Legal Environment of Business
CHEM 101 College Chemistry I
CHEM 102 College Chemistry II
ENGL 310 Public Speaking
COSC 105 Fundamentals of Computer Science
COSC 110 Problem Solving and Structured Programming
COSC 210 Object-Oriented and GUI Programming
ECON 122 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 121 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 422 Microeconomic Analysis
ECON 421 Macroeconomic Analysis
ECON 345  International Trade
ECON 356 Introduction to Econometrics
ECON 434 Managerial Economics
ENGL 101 Composition I
ENGL 202 Composition II
ENGL 208  Introduction to Film Studies
ENGL 212 American Literature: Beginnings to 1900
ENGL 213 British and American Literature Since 1900
FIN 310 Fundamentals of Finance
FIN 320 Corporate Finance
ECON 346 International Finance
HIST 204 United States History to 1877
HIST 205 United States History since 1877
HIST 201 Western Civilization before 1600
HIST 202 Western Civilization since 1600
MATH 105 College Algebra
MATH 125 Calculus I/Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics
MATH 126 Calculus II/Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics
MATH 171  Introduction to Linear Algebra
MATH 341 Differential Equations
MATH 225  Calculus III/Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics
MATH 309 Discrete Mathematics
MGMT 310 Principles of Management
MGMT 330 Operations Management
MGMT 350 International Business
MGMT 311 Human Behavior in Organizations
MGMT 300 Human Resource Management
MKTG 320 Principles of Marketing
MKTG 321 Consumer Behavior
MKTG 421 Marketing Research
MUSC 110 Fundamentals of Theory
PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 320 Ethical Theory
PHYS 111+121 Physics I Lecture+Lab
PHYS 131+141 Physics I-C Lecture+Lab
PHYS 112+122 Physics II Lecture+Lab
PHYS 132+142 Physics II-C Lecture+Lab
PLSC 111 American Government
PSYC 101 General Psychology
PSYC 235 Social Psychology
PSYC 215 Developmental Psychology
PSYC 320 Personality
RLST 100 Introduction to Religion
RLST 110 World Religions
SOC 151 Principles of Sociology
MATH 217 Probability and Statistics
MATH 363 Mathematical Statistics I