Lafayette College


课程代码 课程名称
ART 101 Introduction to Art History I
ART 102 Introduction to Art History II
ART 196 Basic Photography (Black and White)
ART 234 Modern Art
ART 242 Chinese Art and Architecture
CE 251 Fluid Mechanics
CHE 222 Thermodynamics
CHEM 121 General Chemistry I
CHEM 122 General Chemistry II
CHEM 221 Organic Chemistry I
CS 150 Data Structures and Algorithms
CS 301 Principles of Programming Languages
CS 414 Introduction to Machine Learning
ECE 332 Communications Systems
ECON 251 Intermediate Microeconomics
ECON 252 Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECON 223 Money and Banking
ECON 253 Fundamentals of Econometrics
ENG 100 Introduction to Academic Writing
ENG 212 American Literature I: Origins to Civil War
ENG 213 American Literature II: The Gilded Age to the Present
HIST 234 Slavery, Civil War, and Reconstruction
HIST 236 Recent America: The Great Depression - 2001
MATH 161 Calculus I
MATH 162 Calculus II
MATH 264 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra
MATH 163 Calculus III
MATH 351 Abstract Algebra I
MATH 272 Linear Algebra with Applications
MATH 356 Introduction to Real Analysis
MATH 312 Partial Differential Equations
ME 240 Dynamics
ME 354 Thermodynamics
ES 226 Statics
ES 230 Strength of Materials
ME 362 Fluid Mechanics
ECON 361 Marketing Research
MUS 121 Music Theory I
PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy
PHYS 111 General Physics-Mechanics and Thermodynamics
PHYS 112 General Physics-Electricity, Magnetism, and Optics
PSYC 235 Social Psychology I
PSYC 211 Industrial-Organizational Psychology
PSYC 230 Lifespan Development I
PSYC 231 Personality
REL 101 Religions in World Cultures
REL 212 Buddhism: From India to Asia and Beyond
MATH 186 Applied Statistics
MATH 287 Introduction to Data Modeling
MATH 335 Probability
MATH 338 Advanced Regression Analysis
MATH 336 Mathematical Statistics
MATH 110 Statistical Concepts