课程代码 | 课程名称 |
ART 101 | Introduction to Art History I |
ART 102 | Introduction to Art History II |
ART 196 | Basic Photography (Black and White) |
ART 234 | Modern Art |
ART 242 | Chinese Art and Architecture |
CE 251 | Fluid Mechanics |
CHE 222 | Thermodynamics |
CHEM 121 | General Chemistry I |
CHEM 122 | General Chemistry II |
CHEM 221 | Organic Chemistry I |
CS 150 | Data Structures and Algorithms |
CS 301 | Principles of Programming Languages |
CS 414 | Introduction to Machine Learning |
ECE 332 | Communications Systems |
ECON 251 | Intermediate Microeconomics |
ECON 252 | Intermediate Macroeconomics |
ECON 223 | Money and Banking |
ECON 253 | Fundamentals of Econometrics |
ENG 100 | Introduction to Academic Writing |
ENG 212 | American Literature I: Origins to Civil War |
ENG 213 | American Literature II: The Gilded Age to the Present |
HIST 234 | Slavery, Civil War, and Reconstruction |
HIST 236 | Recent America: The Great Depression - 2001 |
MATH 161 | Calculus I |
MATH 162 | Calculus II |
MATH 264 | Differential Equations with Linear Algebra |
MATH 163 | Calculus III |
MATH 351 | Abstract Algebra I |
MATH 272 | Linear Algebra with Applications |
MATH 356 | Introduction to Real Analysis |
MATH 312 | Partial Differential Equations |
ME 240 | Dynamics |
ME 354 | Thermodynamics |
ES 226 | Statics |
ES 230 | Strength of Materials |
ME 362 | Fluid Mechanics |
ECON 361 | Marketing Research |
MUS 121 | Music Theory I |
PHIL 101 | Introduction to Philosophy |
PHYS 111 | General Physics-Mechanics and Thermodynamics |
PHYS 112 | General Physics-Electricity, Magnetism, and Optics |
PSYC 235 | Social Psychology I |
PSYC 211 | Industrial-Organizational Psychology |
PSYC 230 | Lifespan Development I |
PSYC 231 | Personality |
REL 101 | Religions in World Cultures |
REL 212 | Buddhism: From India to Asia and Beyond |
MATH 186 | Applied Statistics |
MATH 287 | Introduction to Data Modeling |
MATH 335 | Probability |
MATH 338 | Advanced Regression Analysis |
MATH 336 | Mathematical Statistics |
MATH 110 | Statistical Concepts |