Mount Holyoke College


课程代码 课程名称
ARTH-100WA Image and Environment: 'Western Art: 1400-2000'
ARTH-261 Arts of China
BIOL-145 Introductory Biology
COMSC-150/COMSC-161 Introduction to Computer Science/Introduction to Computer Science Part 2
CHEM-150 General Chemistry: Foundations of Structure and Reactivity
CHEM-202 Organic Chemistry I
ECON-270 Accounting
ECON-110/ECON-212 Introductory Economics/Microeconomic Theory
ECON-211 Macroeconomic Theory
ENGL-104 Academic Discourse and Multilingual Speakers
FMT-102/103 Introduction to Film Studies/An Introduction to Film
HIST-170 The American Peoples to 1865
HIST-171 The American Peoples Since 1865
MUSIC-100 Rudiments of Music
MATH-101 Calculus I
MATH-102 Calculus II
MATH-211 Linear Algebra
MATH-203 Calculus III
PHIL-101 Introduction to Philosophy
PHYS-100 Foundations of Physics
POLIT-104 American Politics
POLIT-116 World Politics
PSYCH-210 Social Psychology
PSYCH-217 Psychology of Human Sexuality
SOCI-123 Introduction to sociology