NC State University


课程代码 课程名称
ACC 220 Introduction to Managerial Accounting
ACC 210 Concepts of Financial Reporting
ADN 212 Photography I
BIO 181 Introductory Biology: Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity
BIO 183 Introductory Biology: Cellular and Molecular Biology
BUS 320 Financial Management
BUS 370 Operations and Supply Chain Management
BUS 420 Financial Management of Corporations
BUS 425 Advanced Personal Finance
BUS 428 Financial Analytics
BUS 460 Consumer Behavior
BUS 462 Marketing Research
BUS 464 International Marketing
BUS 370 Operations and Supply Chain Management
CH 101+102 Chemistry - A Molecular Science+Lab
CH 201+202 Chemistry - A Quantitative Science+Lab
CH 221 Organic Chemistry I
CH223+224 Organic Chemistry II+Lab
CH 223 Org Chem Il
CHE 225 Introduction to Chemical Engineering Analysis
CHE 315 Chemical Process Thermodynamics
COM 110 Public Speaking
COM 112 AND TR *** Interpersonal Communication
CSC 116&CSC 2** Introduction to Computing - Java
ECE 309 Data Struct&Object Orient Prog
CSC 230 C for Java Programmers
CSC 226 Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists
CSC 246 Concepts and Facilities of Operating Systems for Computer Scientists
CSC 302 Introduction to Numerical Methods
CSC 316 Data Structures and Algorithms
EC 201 Principles of Microeconomics
EC 202 Principles of Macroeconomics
EC 301 Intermediate Microeconomics
EC 302 Intermediate Macroeconomics
EC 351 Econometrics I
EC 448 International Trade
EC 468 Game Theory
ECE 211 Electric Circuits
ECE 212 Fundamentals of Logic Design
ECE 302 Microelectronics
ECE 303 Electromagnetic Fields
ENG 1**
ENG 101/FLE 101 Academic Writing and Research
ENG 332 Communication for Business and Management
ENG 265 American Literature I
ENG 266 American Literature II
ENG 282 Introduction to Film
HA 201 History of Art From Ancient Greece Through the Renaissance
HA 202 History of Art From the Renaissance Through the 20th Century
HA 404 Italian Renaissance Art and Material Culture
HI 251 American History I
HI 252 American History II
HI 253 Early American History
HI 254 Modern American History
HI 264 Modern Asia: 1800 to Present
HI 275 Introduction to History of South and East Africa
MA 101 Intermediate Algebra
MA 105 Mathematics of Finance
MA 141 Calculus I
MA 241 Calculus II
MA 242 Calculus III
MA 305 Introductory Linear Algebra and Matrices
MA 341 Applied Differential Equations I
MA 405 Introduction to Linear Algebra
MA 421 Introduction to Probability
MAE 201 Engineering Thermodynamics I
MAE 208 Engineering Dynamics
MAE 308 Fluid Mechanics
MIE 330 AND TR *** Human Resource Management
MIE 335 Organizational Behavior
MIE 305 Legal and Regulatory Environment
MIE 480 Business Policy and Strategy
MUS 103 Music Theory I
PHI 205 Introduction to Philosophy
PHI 214 Issues in Business Ethics
PHI 300 Ancient Philosophy
PHI 375 Ethics
PS 201 American Politics and Government
PS 236 Issues in Global Politics
PS 339 Politics of the World Economy
PSY 200 Introduction to Psychology
PSY 307 Industrial and Organizational Psychology
PSY 311 Social Psychology
PSY 370 Personality
PSY 376 Developmental Psychology
PY 131 Conceptual Physics
PY 211 College Physics I
PY 212 College Physics II
PY 205+206 University Physics I/Physics for Engineers and Scientists I +Lab
PY 208+209 University Physics II/Physics for Engineers and Scientists II+Lab
REL 200 Introduction to the Study of Religion
REL 300
REL 210 Religious Traditions of the World
REL 333 Chinese Religions
REL 332 The Buddhist Traditions
SOC 202 Principles of Sociology
ST 350 AND TR *** Economics and Business Statistics
ST 311 Introduction to Statistics
ST 370 Probability and Statistics for Engineers
ST 421/ST 422 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics I/Introduction to Mathematical Statistics II