New Mexico State University


课程代码 课程名称
ACCT 301 Financial Accounting I
ACCT 353 Cost Accounting
ARTH 2110G History of Art I
ARTH 2120G History of Art II
BLAW 2110 Business Law I
BIOL 2110G Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular Biology
BIOL 2110L Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular Biology Laboratory
BFIN 2110 Introduction to Finance
CS 111/CS 152 Computer Science Principles/ Java Programming
CHEM 1120G Introduction to Chemistry Lecture and Laboratory
CHEM 313 Organic Chemistry I
COMM 1130G Public Speaking
ECON 2110G Macroeconomic Principles
ECON 2110H Principles of Macroeconomics Honors
ECON 2120G Microeconomics Principles
ECON 2120H Principles of Microeconomics Honors
ENGL 1110G Composition I
ENGL 1120 Composition II
ENGL 1410G Introduction to Literature
HIST 1110G United States History I
HIST 1120G United States History II
HIST 1140G World History II
HIST 1130G World History I
MKTG 317 International Marketing
I B 475 International Finance
MATH 1430G Applications of Calculus I
MATH 1440 Applications of Calculus II
MATH 2530G Calculus III
MATH 2415 Introduction to Linear Algebra
MGMT 2110 Principles of Management
MKTG 2110 Principles of Marketing
MKTG 310 Marketing Research
MUSC 1210 Fundamentals of Music for Non-majors
PHYS 1230G&PHYS 1230L Algebra-Based Physics I&Algebra-Based Physics I Lab
PHYS 1240G&PHYS 1240L Algebra-Based Physics II&Algebra-Based Physics II Lab
PHYS 1310G Calculus -Based Physics I
PHYS 1310G&PHYS 1310L Calculus -Based Physics I&Calculus -Based Physics I Lab
PHYS 1320G Calculus -Based Physics II
PHYS 1320G/PHYS 1320L Calculus -Based Physics II&Calculus -Based Physics II Lab
PHIL 1115G Introduction to Philosophy
PSYC 1110G Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 317 Social Psychology
PSYC 324 Sexual Behavior
PSYC 321 Psychology of Personality
POLS 1120G American National Government
SOCI 1110G Introduction to Sociology
STAT 470 Probability: Theory and Applications