Oberlin College


课程代码 课程名称
ARTH 292 Art of the Italian Renaissance
ARTS 052 Intro to Black and White Photo
BIOL 213 Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, and Biochemistry
BIOL 213&BIOL 214 Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, and Biochemistry&Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, and Biochemistry Lab
CHEM 102 Principles of Chemistry
CHEM 205 Principles of Organic Chemistry
CSCI 140 Introduction to Computer Programming
CSCI 150 Introduction to Computer Science
CSCI 151 Data Structures
CMUS 130 General Music Theory
ECON 099 Principles of Accounting
ECON 101 Principles of Economics
ECON 206 Principles of Finance
ECON 226 International Finance
ECON 251 Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECON 253 Intermediate Microeconomics
ESOL 140 Expository Writing for English Speakers of Other Languages
HIST 103 American History to 1877
HIST 104 American History 1877-Present
JAPN 101 Elementary Japanese I
MATH 133 Calculus I: Limits, Continuity, Differentiation, Integration and Applications
MATH 134 Calculus II: Special Functions, Integration Techniques and Power Series
MATH 231 Multivariable Calculus
MATH 220 Discrete Mathematics
MATH 232 Linear Algebra
MATH 234 Differential Equations
PHIL 121/PHIL 126 Philosophy&Moralit /Problems of Philosophy
PHIL 215 Ancient Philosophy
PHYS 103 Elementary Physics I
PHYS 104 Elementary Physics II
POLT 120 Introduction to International Politics
PSYC 100 Introduction to Psychological Science
PSYC 214 Abnormal Psychology
PSYC 216 Developmental Psychology
PSYC 218 Social Psychology
RELG 102 Introduction to Religion: Roots of Religion in the Mediterranean World
RHET 110 Speaking and Writing
SOCI 125 Introduction to Sociology: An Analysis of Society
STAT 213 Statistical Modeling
STAT 336 Mathematical Statistics