Oklahoma State University


课程代码 课程名称
ACCT 2003 Survey of Accounting
ACCT 2103 Financial Accounting
ACCT 2203 Managerial Accounting
ACCT 3103 Intermediate Accounting I
ACCT 3113 Intermediate Accounting II
ACCT 3203 Cost Accounting
ART 1503 Art History Survey I (H)
ART 1513 Art History Survey II (H)
BIOL 1113 Introductory Biology (N)
BIOL 1113&BIOL 1111 Introductory Biology (N)&Introductory Biology Laboratory (LN)
CHEM 1215/CHEM 1314 Chemical Principles I (LN)/Chemistry I (LN)
CHEM 1225/CHEM 1515 Chemical Principles II (LN)/Chemistry II (LN)
CHEM 3053 Organic Chemistry I
CS 1013 Computer Science Principles
CS 1113 Computer Science I (A)
CS 2133 Computer Science II
CS 3353 Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis I
CS 3653 Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
ECON 2103 Introduction to Microeconomics (S)
ECON 2203 Introduction to Macroeconomics
ECON 3113 Intermediate Microeconomics
ECON 3123 Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECON 3313 Money and Banking
ECON 3903 Economics of the Environment
ECON 3023 Managerial Economics
ENGL 1113 Composition I
ENGL 1213 Composition II
HIST 1483 American History to 1865 (H)
HIST 1493 American History Since 1865 (DH)
HIST 1813 World History from Ancient Times to 1500 (H)
HIST 1823 World History 1500 to Present (H)
JAPN 1713 Elementary Japanese I
MGMT 3011 Business, Government and Society
MGMT 3313 Human Resource Management
MKTG 3323 Consumer and Market Behavior
MKTG 3713 Sports Marketing
MKTG 4333 Marketing Research
MATH 2103 Business Calculus (A)
MATH 2144 Calculus I (A)
MATH 2153 Calculus II (A)
MATH 2163 Calculus III
MATH 2233 Differential Equations
MATH 3013 Linear Algebra (A)
MATH 3263 Linear Algebra and Differential Equations
MATH 3613 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
MUSI 1532 Theory of Music I
PHIL 1113 Introduction To Philosophy (H)
PHYS 1114 College Physics I (LN)
PHYS 1214 College Physics II (LN)
PHYS 2014 University Physics I (LN)
PHYS 2114 University Physics II (LN)
POLS 1113 American Government
PSYC 1113 Introductory Psychology (S)
PSYC 2583 Developmental Psychology (S)
PSYC 2593 Psychology of Human Sexuality
PSYC 2743 Social Psychology (S)
PSYC 3443 Abnormal Psychology (S)
REL 1103 Introduction to World Religions (HI)
SOC 1113 Introductory Sociology (S)