Portland State University


课程代码 课程名称
Actg 360 Management Accounting
Actg 381 Financial Accounting and Reporting I
ArH 206 Art History: The Modern World
ArH 361U Northern Renaissance Art
ArH 312U Survey of Chinese Art
BA 211 Fundamentals of Financial Accounting
BA 213 Decision Making with Accounting Information
BA 302 Organizational Behavior
BA 339 Supply Chain Management
Bi 201 Fundamentals of Biology: Cells, Genes and Heredity
Bi 201&Bi 204 Cells, Genes and Heredity&Laboratory
Bi 203 Fundamentals of Biology: Evolution and Diversity of Life
Bi 203&Bi 206 Evolution and Diversity of Life&Laboratory
Ch 221 General Chemistry I
Ch 221&Ch 227 General Chemistry I&Laboratory
Ch 222 General Chemistry II
Ch 222&Ch 228 General Chemistry II&Laboratory
Ch 334 Organic Chemistry I
Comm 218 Interpersonal Communication
Comm 220 Public Speaking
Comm 300 Principles of Communication
CS 161&CS 161L Introduction to Programming and Problem-Solving&Laboratory
CS 162 Introduction to Computer Science
CS 163&CS 163L Data Structures&Laboratory
CS 320 Principles of Programming Languages
CS 333&CS 333L Introduction to Operating Systems&Laboratory
Ec 201 Principles of Microeconomics
Ec 202 Principles of Macroeconomics
Ec 311 Microeconomic Theory
Ec 312 Macroeconomic Theory
Ec 321U Fundamentals of Game Theory
Eng 100 Introduction to Literature
Eng 253 Survey of American Literature I
Eng 254 Survey of American Literature II
Fin 319 Intermediate Financial Management
Hst 101 History of Western Civilizations
Hst 102 History of Western Civilizations
Hst 104 Introduction to World History
Hst 105 Introduction to World History
Hst 201 History of the United States
Hst 202 History of the United States
Jpn 101 First-Year Japanese Term 1
Jpn 102 First-Year Japanese Term 2
Mgmt 351 Human Resource Management
Mktg 363 Consumer Behavior and Customer Satisfaction
Mktg 376 International Business
Mth 095 Intermediate Algebra
Mth 251 Calculus I
Mth 252 Calculus II
Mth 253 Calculus III
Mth 256 Applied Ordinary Differential Equations
Mth 261 Introduction to Linear Algebra
Mth 322 Applied Partial Differential Equations
Mth 356 Discrete Mathematics
Mus 111 Music Theory I
Ph 221 General Physics (with Calculus) I
Ph 221&Ph 214 General Physics (with Calculus) I&Lab
Ph 222 General Physics (with Calculus) II
Ph 222&Ph 215 General Physics (with Calculus) II&Lab
Phl 201 Introduction to Philosophy
Phl 301U Ancient Philosophy
Phl 308U Elementary Ethics
Phl 309U Business Ethics
Psy 204 Psychology as a Social Science
Psy 362 Organizational Psychology
PS 101 United States Government
Soc 200 Introduction to Sociology
Stat 105 Elementary Data Analysis
Stat 243 Introduction to Probability and Statistics I
Wr 115 Introduction to College Writing
Wr 227 Introductory Technical Writing