Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


课程代码 课程名称
ARTS 1380 Fundamentals of Music and Sound
BIOL 1010 Introduction to Biology
BIOL 1010&BIOL 1015 Introduction to Biology&Introduction to Biology Laboratory
BIOL 2120 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL 2120&BIOL 2125 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology&Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Biology Laboratory
CHEM 1100 Chemistry I
CHEM 1200 Chemistry II
CHEM 1210 Chemistry II (Without lab)
CHEM 2250 Organic Chemistry I
CHME 1100 Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering
CSCI 1100 Computer Science I
CSCI 2500 Computer Organization
ECON 1200 Introductory Economics
ECON 2010 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
ECON 2020 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
ECSE 2010 Electric Circuits
LITR 2110 Introduction to Literature
MATH 1010 Calculus I
MATH 1020 Calculus II
MATH 2400 Introduction to Differential Equations
MGMT 1100 Management in the Digital Age
MGMT 1260 Business Law and Ethics
MGMT 2300 Financial Accounting in the Digital Age
MGMT 2320 Managerial Finance
MGMT 2430 Marketing Principles
MGMT 2600 International Business
PHIL 1110 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 2140 Introduction to Logic
PSYC 1200 Introduction to Psychological Science
PSYC 2730 Social Psychology
PHYS 1100 Physics I
PHYS 1200 Physics II
STSO 2520 Sociology
WRIT 1110 Writing in Context
WRIT 2340 Speech Communication