Rutgers University - Newark


课程代码 课程名称
33:010:272  Introduction to Financial Accounting
33:010:275 Introduction to Managerial Accounting
01:082:211  Ancient Foundations of Modernity
01:082:214  Renaissance Art in Europe 
01:082:202  Introduction to Contemporary Art
01:082:321  Art of Early China
01:119:115  General Biology I
01:119:116  General Biology II 
11:115:301 Introductory Biochemistry
33:140:320  Business Law I 
14:155:201  Chemical Engineering Material and Energy Balances
14:155:208  Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I
01:160:161  General Chemistry
01:160:162 General Chemistry
01:160:209  Elementary Organic Chemistry
04:192:380 Public Speaking
01:198:111  Introduction to Computer Science
01:220:103 Introduction to Macroeconomics
01:220:102 Introduction to Microeconomics
01:220:301 Money and Banking
01:220:308 Introduction to Managerial Economics
01:355:100  Basic Composition
01:354:201  Introduction to Film I
01:355:203  Business Writing Essentials
33:390:203  Introduction to Finance
01:512:107  Gateway to Development of the United States I 
01:512:108  Gateway to Development of the United States II
01:508:220/01:508:222  Ancient Africa/Modern Africa
01:506:101/01:506:102 World History I/World History II
01:506:118  Looking at 21st-Century World History
01:508:242  Modern East Asia
01:640:135-136  Calculus I,II
01:640:350  Linear Algebra
01:640:252  Elementary Differential Equations
01:640:251  Multivariable Calculus
01:640:351-352  Introduction to Abstract Algebra I,II
01:640:311 Introduction to Real Analysis I
01:640:423 Elementary Partial Differential Equations
14:440:222  Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics
14:650:351  Thermodynamics
14:650:291  Mechanics of Materials
14:650:401  Dynamic Systems and Controls
14:650:312  Fluid Mechanics
07:700:101  Introduction to Music
01:730:103  Introduction to Philosophy
01:750:203 General Physics 
01:750:204  General Physics 
01:790:102  Introduction to International Relations
01:790:104  American Government
01:790:331 Urban Politics
01:790:327  International Political Economy
01:830:201  Principles and Issues in Psychological Science
01:830:321  Social Psychology
01:830:362  Psychology of Sex and Gender
01:830:373  Organizational and Personnel Psychology 
01:830:338  Personality Psychology
01:840:101  Gods, Myths, and Religions in a Secular Age 
01:840:324  Chinese Religions
01:840:323   Buddhism
01:920:101  Introduction to Sociology 
01:960:484  Basic Applied Statistics 
01:640:477 Mathematical Theory of Probability