Saint Louis University


课程代码 课程名称
ACCT 2200 Financial Accounting
ACCT 2220 Accounting for Decision Making
ACCT 4400 Auditing
ART 2600 Photography I
ARTH 2820 Contemporary Art Since 1980
BIOL 1240+1245 General Biology: Information Flow and Evolution + Lab
BIOL 1260 + 1265 General Biology: Transformations of Energy and Matter + Lab
MGT 2000 Legal Environment of Business I
CHEM 1110 + 1115 General Chemistry 1 + Lab
CHEM 1120 + 1125 General Chemistry 2 + Lab
CHEM 2410 Organic Chemistry 1
CMM 1200 Public Speaking
CSCI 1010 Introduction to Computer Science: Principles
CSCI 1300 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
CSCI 2100 Data Structures
CSCI 3200 Programming Languages
CSCI 4750 Machine Learning
ECE 2101 Electrical Circuits I
ECE 2205 Digital Design
ECE 3140 Electromagnetic Fields
ECE 4160 Communication Systems
ECON 1910 Introduction to Microeconomics
ECON 1900 Principles of Economics
ECON 3140 Intermediate Microeconomics
ECON 3120 Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECON 4200 Money and Banking
ECON 3010 Introduction to Econometrics
ENGL 2020 Introduction to Literary Study
ENGL 1500 The Process of Composition
ENGL 3180 Film
ENGL 4000 Business and Professional Writing
ENGL 3270 American Literary Traditions to 1865
ENGL 3280 American Literatures after 1865
FIN 3010 Principles of Finance
FIN 4230 Financial Management
HIST 1600 History of the U.S. to 1865
HIST 1610 History of the United States Since 1865
HIST 1110 Origins of the Modern World to 1500
HIST 1120 Origins of the Modern World, 1500 to Present
MATH 1510 Calculus I
MATH 1520 Calculus II
MATH 3120 Introduction to Linear Algebra
MATH 3550 Differential Equations
MATH 2530 Calculus III
MATH 1660 Discrete Mathematics
MATH 4110 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
MATH 4800 Probability Theory
MATH 4570 Partial Differential Equations
MATH 3850 Foundation of Statistics
IB 2000 Introduction to International Business
MGT 3100 Organization Behavior
MGT 3300 Management of Human Resources
MKT 4400 Consumer Behavior
MKT 4550 International Marketing
MKT 3000 Introduction to Marketing Management
MKT 3600 Marketing Research
MUSC 1000 Approaching the Arts: Music
MUSC 1100 Music Fundamentals
PHIL 1050 Introduction to Philosophy: Self and Reality
PHIL 3380 Business Ethics
PHIL 4400 History of Ancient Greek Philosophy
PHYS 1310 + 1320 College Physics I
PHYS 1220 + 1235 General Physics I + Lab
PHYS 1330 + 1340 College Physics II
PHYS 1240 + 1255 General Physics II+ Lab
POLS 1600 Introduction to International Politics
POLS 1150 American Political Systems
POLS 2600 Introduction to International Political Economy
PSY 1010 General Psychology
PSY 3300 Social Psychology
PSY 4410 Organizational Psychology
PSY 3310 Personality Theory
SOC 1100 Introduction to Sociology
MATH 3800 Elementary Theory of Probability
STAT 4870 Applied Regression
STAT 4850 Mathematical Statistics