San Jose State University


课程代码 课程名称
ARTH 70A Art History, Prehistoric to Medieval
ARTH 70B Art History, Renaissance to Modern
ARTH 194A Art of China
BIOL 30 Principles of Biology I
BIOL 31 Principles of Biology II
BUS1 20 Financial Accounting
BUS1 21 Managerial Accounting
BUS2 130 Introduction to Marketing
BUS2 134A Consumer Behavior
BUS3 80 Legal Environment of Business
CHEM 1A General Chemistry
CHEM 1B General Chemistry
CMPE 30 Programming Concepts and Methodology
CMPE 50 Object-Oriented Concepts and Methodology
COMM 20 Public Speaking
ECON 1A Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics
ECON 1B Principles of Economics: Microeconomics
ENGL 1AF First-Year Writing: Stretch English I
ENGL 1AS First-Year Writing: Stretch English II
HIST 1A World History to 1500
HIST 1B World History from 1500
HIST 10A Western Civilization
HIST 10B Western Civilization
HIST 20A History of the American People
HIST 20B History of the American People
JPN 1A Elementary Japanese
MATH 30 Calculus I
MATH 31 Calculus II
MATH 32 Calculus III
MATH 39 Linear Algebra I
MATH 33LA Differential Equations and Linear Algebra
MATH 42 Discrete Mathmatics
MUSC 1A Music Systems IA
PHIL 10 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 70A Ancient Philosophy
PHIL 104 Asian Philosophy
PHYS 1 Elementary Physics
PHYS 2A Fundamentals of Physics
PHYS 2B Fundamentals of Physics
POLS 1 American Government
PSYC 1 Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 154 Social Psychology
SOCI 1 Introduction to Sociology
SOCI 102 Introduction to Statistics