课程代码 | 课程名称 |
ACCT 211 | Financial Accounting |
ACCT 212 | Managerial Accounting |
ACCT 305 | Cost Accounting |
ACCT 311 | Intermed Accounting Theory I |
ACCT 312 | Intermediate Acctg Theory II |
ACCT 460 | Auditing |
ARTH 110 | Introduction to Art History I |
ARTH 111 | Introduction to Art History II |
ARTH 280 | Histories of Photography |
ARTH 360 | Contemporary Art, 1989-Present |
BIOL 113 | Intro to Cell & Molecular Biol |
BIOL 114 | Intro to Organisms & Pops Biol |
BLS 111 | Legal Environment Of Mgmt I |
CHEM 104 | General Chemistry I |
CHEM 104&CHEM 106 | General Chemistry I&Laboratory |
CHEM 105 | General Chemistry II |
CHEM 231 | Organic Chemistry I |
CS 211 | Programming I Engineers |
CS 212 | Programming II for Engineers |
CS 240 | Data Struct & Algorithms |
CS 350 | Operating Systems |
CS 428 | Computer Networks |
CS 432 | Database Systems |
CS 444 | Programming for the Web |
CS 465 | Intro to Artificial Intelligen |
CS 471 | Programming Languages |
ECON 160 | Principles of Microeconomics |
ECON 162 | Principles Of Macroeconomics |
ECON 317 | The Economy Of China |
ECON 331 | Environmental Economics |
ECON 350 | US Financial Sys-Mkts & Insts |
ECON 360 | Microeconomic Theory |
ECON 362 | Macroeconomic Theory |
ECON 413 | Microeconomics of Development |
FIN 311 | Financial Management |
FIN 322 | Investments |
FIN 324 | Corporate Finance |
JPN 101 | Elementary Japanese I |
JPN 102 | Elementary Japanese II |
MATH 147 | Elementary Statistics |
MATH 220 | Calculus For Business & Mgmt |
MATH 224 | Differential Calculus |
MATH 225 | Integral Calculus |
MATH 304 | Linear Algebra |
MATH 314 | Discrete Mathematics |
MATH 323 | Calculus III |
MATH 327 | Probability with Stat Methods |
MATH 371 | Ordinary Diff. Equations |
ME 273 | Statics |
ME 274 | Dynamics |
ME 331 | Thermodynamics |
ME 351 | Fluid Mechanics |
MGMT 111 | Intro Decision Making in MGMT |
MGMT 311 | Organizational Behavior |
MKTG 311 | Introduction To Marketing |
MKTG 320 | Marketing Research |
MKTG 322 | Consumer Behavior |
MKTG 470 | International Marketing |
MUS 101 | Introduction To Music |
PHIL 101 | Intro. To Philosophy |
PHIL 105 | Intro To Asian Philosophy |
PHIL 122 | Elementary Logic |
PHIL 140 | Intro To Ethics |
PHYS 121 | General Physics I |
PHYS 122 | General Physics II |
PHYS 131 | Gen. Physics I(Calculus Based) |
PHYS 132 | Gen. Physics II(Calculus Based) |
PLSC 111 | Intro To American Politics |
PLSC 117 | Introduction to World Politics |
PSYC 111 | General Psychology |
PSYC 220 | Developmental Psychology |
PSYC 228 | Social Psychology |
RELG 101 | Religions of the World |
SCM 365 | Supply Chain Management |
SOC 100 | Social Change:Intro Sociology |
SOC 200 | Foundations of Social Theory |
WRIT 111 | Inquiry and Academic Writing |