State University of New York at Binghamton


课程代码 课程名称
ACCT 211 Financial Accounting
ACCT 212 Managerial Accounting
ACCT 305 Cost Accounting
ACCT 311 Intermed Accounting Theory I
ACCT 312 Intermediate Acctg Theory II
ACCT 460 Auditing
ARTH 110 Introduction to Art History I
ARTH 111 Introduction to Art History II
ARTH 280 Histories of Photography
ARTH 360 Contemporary Art, 1989-Present
BIOL 113 Intro to Cell & Molecular Biol
BIOL 114 Intro to Organisms & Pops Biol
BLS 111 Legal Environment Of Mgmt I
CHEM 104 General Chemistry I
CHEM 104&CHEM 106 General Chemistry I&Laboratory
CHEM 105 General Chemistry II
CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry I
CS 211 Programming I Engineers
CS 212 Programming II for Engineers
CS 240 Data Struct & Algorithms
CS 350 Operating Systems
CS 428 Computer Networks
CS 432 Database Systems
CS 444 Programming for the Web
CS 465 Intro to Artificial Intelligen
CS 471 Programming Languages
ECON 160 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 162 Principles Of Macroeconomics
ECON 317 The Economy Of China
ECON 331 Environmental Economics
ECON 350 US Financial Sys-Mkts & Insts
ECON 360 Microeconomic Theory
ECON 362 Macroeconomic Theory
ECON 413 Microeconomics of Development
FIN 311 Financial Management
FIN 322 Investments
FIN 324 Corporate Finance
JPN 101 Elementary Japanese I
JPN 102 Elementary Japanese II
MATH 147 Elementary Statistics
MATH 220 Calculus For Business & Mgmt
MATH 224 Differential Calculus
MATH 225 Integral Calculus
MATH 304 Linear Algebra
MATH 314 Discrete Mathematics
MATH 323 Calculus III
MATH 327 Probability with Stat Methods
MATH 371 Ordinary Diff. Equations
ME 273 Statics
ME 274 Dynamics
ME 331 Thermodynamics
ME 351 Fluid Mechanics
MGMT 111 Intro Decision Making in MGMT
MGMT 311 Organizational Behavior
MKTG 311 Introduction To Marketing
MKTG 320 Marketing Research
MKTG 322 Consumer Behavior
MKTG 470 International Marketing
MUS 101 Introduction To Music
PHIL 101 Intro. To Philosophy
PHIL 105 Intro To Asian Philosophy
PHIL 122 Elementary Logic
PHIL 140 Intro To Ethics
PHYS 121 General Physics I
PHYS 122 General Physics II
PHYS 131 Gen. Physics I(Calculus Based)
PHYS 132 Gen. Physics II(Calculus Based)
PLSC 111 Intro To American Politics
PLSC 117 Introduction to World Politics
PSYC 111 General Psychology
PSYC 220 Developmental Psychology
PSYC 228 Social Psychology
RELG 101 Religions of the World
SCM 365 Supply Chain Management
SOC 100 Social Change:Intro Sociology
SOC 200 Foundations of Social Theory
WRIT 111 Inquiry and Academic Writing