Suffolk University


课程代码 课程名称
ACCT-321 Intermediate Accounting I
ACCT-322 Intermediate Accounting II
ACCT-331 Cost Accounting
ARH-101 Art History I
ARH-102 Art History II
ARH-316 Contemporary Art
BIO-111&BIO-L111 Introduction to the Cell&Introduction to the Cell Laboratory
BIO-114&BIO-L114 Organismal Biology&Organismal Biology Laboratory
BLE-214 Principles of Business Law
CHEM-111 General Chemistry I
CHEM-111&CHEM-L111 General Chemistry I&General Chemistry Laboratory I
CHEM-112 General Chemistry II
CHEM-112&CHEM-L112 General Chemistry II&General Chemistry Laboratory II
CHEM-211 Organic Chemistry I
CMPSC-F265 Data Structures & Algorithms
CMPSC-F355 Operating Systems
EC-101 Applied Microeconomics
EC-102 Global Macroeconomics
EC-131 Environmental Economics
EC-311 Intermediate Micro Theory
EC-312 Intermediate Macro Theory
EC-402 Mathematical Economics
EC-430 International Trade Theory & Policy
EC-432 Managerial Economics
EC-450 Applied Econometrics
EC-460 Game Theory
ENG-130 Introduction to Literature
ENG-217 American Literature I
ENG-218 American Literature II
FIN-315 Principles of Investments
HST-101 History of Western Civilization I
HST-102 History of Western Civilization II
HST-121 World History I
HST-122 World History II
HST-181 American Life to the Civil War Era
HST-182 American Life Since the Civil War Era
MATH-165 Calculus I
MATH-166 Calculus II
MATH-265 Calculus III
MATH-275 Introductory Applied Linear Algebra
MATH-373 Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH-331 Introduction to Advanced Mathematics
MGT-217 Organizational Behavior
MGT-313 Global Human Resource Management
MKT-210 Principles of Marketing
MKT-317 Consumer Behavior
PHIL-115 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL-119 Ethics
PHIL-262 Buddhism
PHYS-111&PHYS-L111 College Physics I&College Physics Lab I
PHYS-112&PHYS-L112 College Physics II&College Physics Lab II
POLS-110 Introduction to American Politics
PSYCH-114 General Psychology
PSYCH-222 Human Sexuality
PSYCH-241 Social Psychology
PSYCH-243 Organizational Psychology
SOC-113 Introduction to Sociology
STATS-250 Applied Statistics