Syracuse University


课程代码 课程名称
ACC 151 Introduction to Financial Accounting
ACC 252 Intro to Managerial Accounting
ACC 356 Intermediate Financial Accounting I
ACC 357 Intermediate Financial Accounting II
BIO 100 Selected Topics: Biology
BIO 121 General Biology I
BIO 123+124 General Biology II+Laboratory
CHE 106 General Chemistry Lecture I
CHE 116 General Chemistry Lecture II
CIS 351 Data Structures
ECN 102 Introductory Macroeconomics
ECN 101 Introductory Microeconomics
ECN 305 Economics of Personal Finance
ENG 117 American Literature, Beginnings to 1865
ENG 118 American Literature, 1865 to Present
HOA 200 Selected Topics
HST 101 American History to 1865
HST 102 American History Since 1865
HST 121 Global History to 1750
HST 122 Global History 1750 to Present
JPS 101 Japanese I
MGT 248 Managing and Leading People in Organizations
MGT 346 Organizational Behavior
MAR 255 Principles of Marketing
MAR 357 Consumer Behavior
MAR 356 Marketing Research
MAT 221 Elementary Probability and Statistics I
MAT 295 Calculus I
MAT 296 Calculus II
MAT 397 Calculus III
NEU 211 Introduction to Neuroscience
PHI 107 Theories of Knowledge and Reality
PHI 325
PHY 101 Major Concepts of Physics I
PHY 102 Major Concepts of Physics II
PHY 211 General Physics I
PHY 211+PHY 221 General Physics I+General Physics Laboratory I
PHY 212 General Physics II
PHY 212+PHY 222 General Physics II+General Physics Laboratory II
PSC 121 American National Government and Politics
PSC 124 International Relations
PSY 205 Foundations Human Behavior
PSY 274 Social Psychology
REL 120 Introduction to the Study of Religion
REL 101 Religions of the World
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology