Temple University


课程代码 课程名称
ACCT 2101 Financial Accounting
ACCT 2102 Managerial Accounting
ACCT 2521 Cost Accounting
ACCT 3511 Intermediate Accounting I
ACCT 3512 Intermediate Accounting II
ACCT 3596 Auditing
ARTH 1155 Arts of the World I: Prehistoric to 1300
ARTH 1156 Arts of the World II: 1300 to the 21st Century
ARTH 2008 History of Photography
BIOL 1011 General Biology I
BIOL 1012 General Biology II
CHEM 1021 Introduction to Chemistry I
CHEM 1021&CHEM 1023 Introduction to Chemistry I&Laboratory I
CHEM 1022 Introduction to Chemistry II
CHEM 1022&CHEM 1024 Introduction to Chemistry II&Laboratory II
CHEM 2201 Organic Chemistry I
CSI 1111 Introduction to Public Speaking
CIS 1057 Computer Programming in C
CIS 1068 Program Design and Abstraction
CIS 2109 Database Management Systems
CIS 3223 Data Structures and Algorithms
ECON 1001 Introduction to the Economy
ECON 1101 Macroeconomic Principles
ECON 1102 Microeconomic Principles
ECON 3501 Intermediate Microeconomic Analysis
ECON 3502 Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis
ECON 3503 Introduction to Econometrics
ECON 3519 Game Theory and Strategic Behavior
ECON 3538 Managerial Economics
ECON 3563 International Trade
ECON 3571 Money and Banking
ENG 2008 Technical Writing
ENG 2301 Survey of American Literature I
ENG 2302 Survey of American Literature II
FIN 3101 Financial Management
FIN 3504 Intermediate Corporate Finance
FIN 3506 Derivatives and Financial Risk Management
FIN 3551 International Finance
HIST 1101 U.S. History to 1877
HIST 1102 U.S. History since 1877
HIST 1701 World History Ancient
HIST 1702 World History Modern
HRM 2501 Introduction to Human Resource Management
JPNS 1001 Japanese Elements I
JPNS 1002 Japanese Elements II
MSOM 3101 Operations Management
MKTG 2101 Marketing Management
MKTG 3511 Marketing Research
MKTG 3553 International Marketing
MKTG 3596 Consumer and Buyer Behavior
MATH 1013 Elements of Statistics
MATH 1021 College Algebra
MATH 1041 Calculus I
MATH 1042 Calculus II
MATH 2041 Differential Equations I
MATH 2043 Calculus III
MATH 2045 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra
MATH 2101 Linear Algebra
MATH 3032 Mathematical Statistics
MATH 4041 Partial Differential Equations
PHIL 0863 Religion in the World
PHIL 1066 Introduction to Logic
PHIL 1101 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 2121 Introduction to Ethical Theory
PHYS 1021 Introduction to General Physics I
PHYS 1022 Introduction to General Physics II
PHYS 2021 General Physics I
PHYS 2022 General Physics II
POLS 1101 The American Political System
PSY 0818 Human Sexuality
PSY 1001 Introduction to Psychology
PSY 2401 Foundations of Social Psychology
PSY 2402 Foundations of Industrial and Organizational Psychology
REL 1101 Introduction to World Religions
REL 2102 Introduction to Buddhism
SOC 1176 Introduction to Sociology