课程代码 | 课程名称 |
ACCT 1160 | Survey of Accounting |
ACCT 2101 | Principles of Accounting I |
ACCT 2102 | Principles of Accounting II |
ACCT 5001E | Financial Reporting and Analysis |
ARHI 2300 | Art History I: Cave Painting to Michelangelo |
ARHI 2400 | Art History II: Baroque to Modern |
ARHI 3020 | Renaissance Art |
ARHI 3080 | Introduction to Contemporary Art |
BIOL 1107& BIOL 1107L | Principles of Biology I&Laboratory |
BIOL 1108&BIOL 1108L | Principles of Biology II&Laboratory |
CHEM 1211& CHEM 1211L | Freshman Chemistry I& Laboratory |
CHEM 1212& CHEM 1212L | Freshman Chemistry II& Laboratory |
CHEM 2100 | Elementary Organic Chemistry |
COMM 1110 | Introduction to Public Speaking |
COMM 1500 | Introduction to Interpersonal Communication |
COMM 3200 | Business and Professional Communication |
COMM 4220 | Argumentation |
CSCI 1301-1301L | Introduction to Computing and Programming |
CSCI 1730 | Systems Programming |
CSCI 2610 | Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science |
CSCI 2720 | Data Structures |
CSCI 4370/6370 | Database Management |
ECON 2106 | Principles of Microeconomics |
ECON 2105 | Principles of Macroeconomics |
ECON 4010 | Intermediate Microeconomics |
ECON 4020 | Intermediate Macroeconomics |
ECON 4030 | Money and Banking |
ECON 4160 | Urban Economics |
ECON 4360/6360 | Game Theory |
ECON 4550/6550 | International Trade: Theory and Policy |
ECON(MARK) 4750/6750 | Introduction to Econometrics |
ENGL 110 | English Composition I |
ENGL 2330 | American Literature from the Beginnings to 1865 |
ENGL 2340 | American Literature from 1865 to the Present |
ENGR 2130 | Dynamics |
ENGR 2140 | Strength of Materials |
ENGR 3140 | Engineering Thermodynamics |
ENGR 3160 | Fluid Mechanics |
FINA 3000 | Financial Management |
FINA 4000 | Financial Institutions and Markets |
FINA 4310 | Survey of Investments |
FINA 4810/6810 | International Finance |
FHCE 2100 | Introduction to Consumer Economics |
FHCE 3150 | Consumer Economics Theory |
FHCE 3300 | Housing in Contemporary Society |
FHCE 3200 | Introduction to Personal Finance |
HIST 2111 | American History to 1865 |
HIST 2112 | American History Since 1865 |
HIST 2701 | World Civilizations I |
HIST 2702 | World Civilizations II |
JPNS 1001 | Elementary Japanese I |
JPNS 1002 | Elementary Japanese II |
MARK 3000 | Principles of Marketing |
MARK 4000 | Marketing Research for Business Decisions |
MARK 4100 | Consumer Buyer Behavior |
MATH 2250 | Calculus I for Science and Engineering |
MATH 2260 | Calculus II for Science and Engineering |
MATH 2270 | Calculus III for Science and Mathematics |
MATH 2700 | Elementary Differential Equations |
MATH 3000 | Introduction to Linear Algebra |
MATH 3200 | Introduction to Higher Mathematics |
MATH 3300 | Applied Linear Algebra |
MATH 4100/6100 | Real Analysis |
MGMT 3000 | Principles of Management |
MUSI 2020 | Introduction to Music |
PHIL 2010 | Introduction to Philosophy |
PHIL 2030 | Introduction to Ethics |
PHIL 3000 | Classics of Ancient Western Philosophy |
PHIL 3220 | Biomedical Ethics |
PHYS 1111-1111L | Introductory Physics-Mechanics, Waves, Thermodynamics |
PHYS 1112-1112L | Introductory Physics-Electricity and Magnetism, Optics, Modern Physics |
PHYS 1211-1211L | Principles of Physics for Scientists and Engineers-Mechanics, Waves, Thermodynamics |
PHYS 1212-1212L | Principles of Physics for Scientists and Engineers-Electricity and Magnetism, Optics, Modern Physics |
POLS 1101 | American Government |
PSYC 1101 | Elementary Psychology |
RELI 1006 | Religions of the World |
SOCI 1101 | Introductory Sociology |
STAT 2000 | Introductory Statistics |
STAT 3120 | Introduction to Probability for Life Sciences |