The University of North Carolinaat Chapel Hill


课程代码 课程名称
BUSI 102 Introduction to Financial Accounting
BUSI 107 Management Accounting SS
ARTH 151 History of Western Art I
ARTH 152 History of Western Art II
ARTH 285 Art Since 1960
ARTH 258 Chinese Art and Culture: from Han to Tang
BIOL 101&BIOL 101L Principles of Biology&Introductory Biology Laboratory
BIOC 108 Introduction to Biochemistry
CHEM 101&CHEM 101L General Descriptive Chemistry I&Quantitative Chemistry Laboratory I
CHEM 102&CHEM 102L General Descriptive Chemistry &Quantitative Chemistry Laboratory II
CHEM 261 Introduction to Organic Chemistry I
COMM 113 Public Speaking
COMM 171 Argumentation and Debate
COMP 110 Introduction to Programming
COMP 210 Data Structures and Analysis
COMP 283 Discrete Structures
COMP 562 Introduction to Machine Learning
ECON 310 Microeconomics: Theory and Applications
ECON 320 Macroeconomics: Theory and Policy
ECON 410 Intermediate Microeconomics
ECON 420 Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECON 411 Game Theory
ECON 465 Economic Development
ECON 470 Econometrics
ENGL 105 English Composition and Rhetoric
ENGL 142 Film Analysis
ENGL 304 Advanced Business Communication
ENGL 220 American Literature, Before 1900
ENGL 221 American Literature, 1900-2000
HIST 127 American History to 1865
HIST 128 American History since 1865
HIST 130 Modern African History
HIST 140 The World since 1945
HIST 163 Modern Central Asia
HIST 151 European History to 1650
HIST 152 European History since 1650
JAPN 101 Elementary Japanese I
JAPN 102 Elementary Japanese II
MATH 152 Calculus for Business and Social Sciences
MATH 231 Calculus of Functions of One Variable I
MATH 232 Calculus of Functions of One Variable II
MATH 233 Calculus of Functions of Several Variables
MATH 347 Linear Algebra for Applications
MATH 381 Discrete Mathematics
MATH 383 First Course in Differential Equations
MATH 535 Introduction to Probability
BMME 160 Statics
BUSI 403 Operations Management
BUSI 405 Leading and Managing: An Introduction to Organizational Behavior
BUSI 406 Marketing
BUSI 408 Corporate Finance
MUSC 131 Theory I
PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy: Central Problems, Great Minds, Big Ideas
PHIL 164 Morality and Business
PHIL 165 Bioethics
PHIL 210 Wonder, Myth, and Reason: Introduction to Ancient Greek Science and Philosophy
PHIL 213 Asian Philosophy
PHYS 104 General Physics I
PHYS 105 General Physics II
PHYS 118 Introductory Calculus-based Mechanics and Relativity
PHYS 119 Introductory Calculus-based Electromagnetism and Quanta
POLI 150 International Relations and Global Politics
POLI 200 The President, Congress, and Public Policy
PSYC 101 General Psychology
PSYC 260 Social Psychology
RELI 101 Introduction to Religious Studies
RELI 102 World Religions
RELI 288 Chinese Religions
RELI 284/RELI 285 The Buddhist Tradition: East Asia/The Buddhist Tradition: Southeast Asia and Sri Lanka
SOCI 101 Sociological Perspectives
SOCI 250 Sociological Theory
STOR 435 Introduction to Probability