The University of Texasat Austin


课程代码 课程名称
ACC 311 (TCCN: ACCT 2301) Fundamentals of Financial Accounting
ACC 312 (TCCN: ACCT 2302) Fundamentals of Managerial Accounting
ACC 326 Financial Accounting--Intermediate
ACC 327 Financial Statement Analysis
ACC 359 Managerial/Cost Accounting
ACC 362 Auditing and Control
ARH 302 (TCCN: ARTS 1303) Survey of Ancient through Medieval Art
ARH 303 (TCCN: ARTS 1304) Survey of Renaissance through Modern Art
B A 320F Foundations of Entrepreneurship
B A 324 Business Communication: Oral and Written
BIO 311C (TCCN: BIOL 1306) Introductory Biology I
BIO 311D (TCCN: BIOL 1307) Introductory Biology II
BCH 339F Foundations of Biochemistry
BGS 374 Global Political Economy
LEB 323 Business Law and Ethics
CHE 102/317 Introduction to Chemical Engineering/Introduction to Chemical Engineering Analysis
CHE 322 Thermodynamics
CH 301 (TCCN: CHEM 1311) Principles of Chemistry I
CH 302 (TCCN: CHEM 1312) Principles of Chemistry II
CH 320M Organic Chemistry I
E E 411 Circuit Theory
E E 325 Electromagnetic Engineering
E E 366 Engineering Economics I
ECO 301 Introduction to Economics
ECO 304K (TCCN: ECON 2302) Introduction to Microeconomics
ECO 304L (TCCN: ECON 2301) Introduction to Macroeconomics
ECO 420K Microeconomic Theory
ECO 320L Macroeconomic Theory
ECO 350L Advanced Macroeconomics
ECO 322 Money and Banking
ECO 334K Urban Economics
ECO 339L/FIN 376/I B 376 International Finance
ECO 341K, 441K Introduction to Econometrics
ECO 351M Managerial Economics
RHE 306 (TCCN: ENGL 1301) Rhetoric and Writing
E 303C/E 337 Plan II World Literature Part I/American Literature: From the Beginnings to 1865
E 303D/E 338 Plan II World Literature Part II/American Literature: From 1865 to the Present
E 314V Introduction to Literature and Culture
RTF 306 (TCCN: COMM 2366, DRAM 2366) Introduction to World Cinema History
FIN 320F Foundations of Finance
HIS 309K (TCCN: HIST 2311) Western Civilization in Medieval Times
HIS 309L (TCCN: HIST 2312) Western Civilization in Modern Times
HIS 315K (TCCN: HIST 1301) The United States, 1492-1865
HIS 315L (TCCN: HIST 1302) The United States since 1865
HIS 311K Introduction to Traditional Africa
HIS 305L History of East Asia since 1800.
M 301 (TCCN: MATH 1314) College Algebra
M 403K Calculus I for Business and Economics
M408C Differential and Integral Calculus
M408D Sequences, Series, and Multivariable Calculus
M409K Differential Calculus
M 325K Discrete Mathematics
M 329F/ACF 329 Theory of Interest
M 427J Differential Equations with Linear Algebra
M 346 Applied Linear Algebra
M 358K Applied Statistics
M 361K Introduction to Real Analysis
M 372K Partial Differential Equations and Applications
M 362K Probability I
M 378K Intro to Mathematical Statistics
M E 314D Dynamics
M E 301T/316T Applied Thermodynamics/Thermodynamics
M E 311 Materials Engineering
M E 330 Fluid Mechanics
MAN 320F/336 Foundations of Management and Organizational Behavior/Organizational Behavior
MAN 325 Strategic Human Resources Managemen
O M 135, 235, 335 Operations Management
MIS 310 (TCCN: BCIS 1305) Introduction to Management Information Systems
I B 320F Foundations of International Business
MKT 320F/MKT 337 Foundations of Marketing/Principles of Marketing
PHL 301 (TCCN: PHIL 1301) Introduction to Philosophy
PHL 301K (TCCN: PHIL 2316) Ancient Philosophy
PHY 302K (TCCN: PHYS 1301)/P S 303 General Physics Technical Course: Mechanics, Heat, and Sound/Introductory Physical Science I: Mechanics and Heat
PHY 302L (TCCN: PHYS 1302)/P S 304 General Physics Technical Course: Electricity and Magnetism, Light, Atomic and Nuclear Physics/Introductory Physical Science II: Electricity, Light, and Optics
PHY 303K (TCCN: PHYS 2325)/317K Engineering Physics I/General Physics I
PHY 303L (TCCN: PHYS 2326)/317L Engineering Physics II/General Physics II
GOV 310L (TCCN: GOVT 2301) American Government
PSY 301 (TCCN: PSYC 2301) Introduction to Psychology
PSY 319K (TCCN: PSYC 2319) Social Psychology
PSY 306 (TCCN: PSYC 2306) Introduction to Human Sexuality
PSY 309 (TCCN: PSYC 2316) Personality
R S 310 Introduction to the Study of Religion
R S 312C/ANS 301M Introduction To Buddhism
SOC 302 (TCCN: SOCI 1301) Intro To The Study Of Society