Tufts University


课程代码 课程名称
EC 0003 Financial Accounting
EIB B209 Managerial Accounting
FAH 0002 Introduction to Western Art, 1500 to Present
FAH 0003 Introduction to Contemporary Art
FAH 0013 The Arts Of China
FAH 0032 High Renaissance In Italy
BIO 013 Cells & Organisms (with lab)
BIO 014 Organisms & Population (with lab)
BIO 0152 Biochemistry & Cell Metabolism
EC 0006 Business Law
CHBE 0011 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
CHEM 0001 Chemical Fundamentals W/ Lab
CHEM 0002 Chemical Principles W/ Lab
CHEM 0051 Organic Chemistry I
COMP 0011 Introduction To Computer Science
COMP 0061 Discrete Mathematics
COMP 0015 Data Structures
COMP 0105 Programming Languages
COMP 135-01 Introduction to Machine Learning
EC 0001 Prin Microeconomics
EC 0002 Prin Macroeconomics
EC 0011 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
EC 0012 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
EC 0024 Game Theory
EIB E213 Econometrics
EIB E217M Managerial Economics
ENG 0001 Expository Writing
EM 0252 Business Communications
EC 0050 Introduction to Finance 
Math 0032 Calculus I
Math 0034 Calculus II
Math 0070 Linear Algebra
Math 0051 Differential Equations
Math 0042 Calculus III
MATH 0061 Discrete Mathematics
Math 0145 Abstract Algebra I
MATH 0135 Real Analysis I
MATH 0155 Partial Differential Equations I
MATH 0021 Introductory Statistics
ES 0007 Thermodynamics
ES 0008 Fluid Mechanics
EM 0230D Operations Management
EIB B260 International Marketing
EIB B262 Marketing Research and Analysis
PHIL 0002 Introduction To Philosophy
PHIL 0033 Logic
PHIL 0024 Introduction To Ethics
Phil 0151 Ancient Philosophy
PHY 0011 General Physics I with Lab
PHY 0012 General Physics II with Lab
PHY 0011 General Physics with Lab
PHY 0012 General Physics II with Lab
PS 0061 Introduction To International Relations
PS 0011 Introduction To American Politics
PS 0175 Politics Of The World Economy
PSY 0001 Introduction To Psychology
PSY 0013 Social Psychology
PSY 0055 Human Sexual Behavior
PSY 0011 Developmental Psychology
PSY 0017 Industrial And Organizational Psychology
PSY 0015 Theories Of Personality
REL 0001 Introduction To Religion
REL 0053 Introduction To The Religions Of China
REL 0045 Introduction To Buddhism
SOC 0001 Introduction to Sociology
SOC 0103 Sociological Theory
MATH 0165 Probability