University at Buffalo SUNY


课程代码 课程名称
MGA 201LR Introduction to Financial Accounting
MGA 202LR Introduction to Management Accounting
AHI 101LR Survey of Art History: Egypt to Northern Renaissance
AHI 102LR Survey of Art History: Italian Renaissance to Present
BIO 201LLB Cell Biology
BIO 200LLB Evolutionary Biology
MGT 403LEC Business Law
CHE 101LR+113LAB General Chemistry+Lab
CHE 102LR+114LAB General Chemistry+Lab
COM 326REC Public Speaking
CSE 115LLR Introduction to Computer Science I
CSE 116LLB Introduction to Computer Science II
ECO 182LD Introduction to Microeconomics
ECO 181LD Introduction to Macroeconomics
ECO 405LEC Microeconomic Theory
ECO 407LEC Macroeconomic Theory
ECO 205LEC Money and Banking
ENG 100LEC Introduction to Academic Writing
COM 317DIS Business/Professional Communication
ENG 241LEC American Writers I
ENG 242LEC American Writers II
HIS 161LR United States History I
HIS 162LR US History 2
HIS 141LEC World History to 1500
HIS 142LR World History since 1500
MTH 141LR College Calculus I
MTH 142LR College Calculus 2
MTH 309LR Introductory Linear Algebra
MTH 241LR College Calculus 3
MTH 191LLB Introduction to Discrete Mathematics I
MGO 336LEC Operations Analytics
MGB 301LEC Organizational Behavior and Administration
MGM 301LR Principles of Marketing
MGM 404LEC Consumer Behavior
MGM 403LEC Marketing Research
PHI 101LEC Introduction to Philosophy
PHI 236LEC Business Ethics
PHY 101LR+151LAB College Physics+Lab
PHY 107LR+157LAB General Physics I+Lab
PHY 102LR+152LAB College Physics II+Lab
PHY 108LR+158LAB General Physics II+Lab
PSY 101LEC Introductory Psychology
PSY 336LEC Developmental Psychology
SOC 101DIS Introduction to Sociology