University of Alabama


课程代码 课程名称
AC 210 Intro To Accounting
AC 310 Financial Reporting & Analysis of Business Activities I
AC 351 Managerial Accounting Decisions
ARH 252 Survey of Art I
ARH 253 Survey Of Art II
BSC 108 Intro Biology Non Maj I
BSC 109 Intro Biology Non Maj II
LGS 200 Legal Environment of Business
CH 101 General Chemistry
CH 102 General Chemistry
CH 105 Introductory Org Chem
COM 123 Public Speaking
COM 220 Interpersonal Communication
EC 110 Principles of Microeconomics
EC 111 Principles of Macroeconomics
EC 308 Intermediate Microeconomics
EC 309 Intermediate Macroeconomics
EC 430 International Trade
EC 471 Econometrics
EC 500 Managerial Economics
EN 120 English Comp I Non-Native Spkr
EN 121 English Comp II Non-Native Spk
GBA 300 Business Communications
EN 209 American Literature
EN 210 American Literature II
FI 431 International Finance
HY 103 American Civilization to 1865
HY 104 Am Civ Since 1865
HY 101 Western Civ To 1648
HY 102 Western Civ Since 1648
HY 117 World History to 1500
HY 118 World History Since 1500
HY 114 Modern Asia since 1400
MATH 125 Calculus I
MATH 126 Calculus II
MATH 237 Introduction to Linear Algebra
MATH 238 Appld Diff Equations I
MATH 227 Calculus III
MATH 301 Discrete Mathematics
OM 300 Intro Operations Management
MKT 300 Marketing
MKT 313 Consumer Behavior
MKT 473 Marketing Research
MUS 121 Intro To Listening
MUS 100 Music Fundamentals
PHL 100 Intro To Philosophy
PHL 211 Ancient Philosophy
PH 101 General Physics I
PH 105 General Physics W/Calc I
PH 102 General Physics II
PH 106 General Physics W/Calc II
PSC 204 International Relations
PSC 101 Intro American Politics
PY 101 Intro To Psychology
PY 352 Developmental Psych
REL 1OO Intro To Religious Studies
REL 102 Intro to Religions of the World
REL 209 Buddhism
MATH 355 Theory Of Probability
ST 452 Applied Regression Analysis
ST 454 Mathematical Statistics I