University of Arizona


课程代码 课程名称
ACCT 200 Introduction to Financial Accounting
ACCT 210 Introduction to Managerial Accounting
ARH 201 Survey of Western Art in Society: Prehistory through Gothic
ARH 202 Survey of Western Art in Society: Renaissance through Modern
ARH 321 Introduction to Contemporary Art
ARH 324 Introduction to the History of Photography
ART 246 Introduction to Darkroom Photography
BNAD 450 Principles of International Business
BNAN 276 Statistical Inference in Management
BNAN 277 Analytical Methods for Business
BIOC 384 Foundations in Biochemistry
CHEM 151 General Chemistry I
CHEM 152 General Chemistry II
CHEM 241A Lectures in Organic Chemistry
COMM 119 Public Speaking
COMM 300 Introduction to Communication Theory
CSC 110 Introduction to Computer Programming I
CSC 144 Discrete Math for CS I
CSC 120 Introduction to Computer Programming II
CSC 244 Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science II
CSC 245 Introduction to Discrete Structures
CSC 252 Computer Organization
CSC 335 Object-Oriented Programming and Design
CSC 345 Analysis of Discrete Structures
ECE 351C Electronic Circuits
ECE 381A Introductory Electromagnetics
ECON 301 Microeconomic Analysis and Applications
ECON 331 Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy
ECON 361 Intermediate Microeconomics
ECON 332 Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECON 371 Economic Development
ECON 373 Environmental Economics
ECON 418 Introduction to Econometrics
ENGL 101 First-Year Composition
ENGL 102 First-Year Composition
ENGL 280 Introduction to Literature
ENGL 307 Business Writing
FIN 311 Introduction to Finance
FIN 422 Risk Management and Derivatives
HIST 160C1 The Making of American Cultures, 1600-1877
HIST 150C3 U.S. Society and Institutions Since 1877
HIST 208 History of Africa
HIST 160B2 World History to 1600
HIST 150C4 World History, 1600-2000
HIST 270 Modern East Asia
MATH 116 Calculus Concepts for Business
MATH 122B First Semester Calculus
MATH 129 Calculus II
MATH 163 Basic Statistics
MATH 215 Introduction to Linear Algebra
MATH 243 Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science
MATH 254 Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH 310 Applied Linear Algebra
MATH 413 Linear Algebra
MATH 415A Introduction to Abstract Algebra
MATH 445 Introduction to Cryptography
MATH 464 The Theory of Probability
MATH 466 Theory of Statistics
MATH 467 Introduction to Applied Regression and Generalized Linear Models
MSE 345 Thermodynamics
MGMT 310A Organization Behavior and Management
MGMT 330 Introduction to Human Resources Management
MKTG 306 Consumer Behavior
MKTG 361 Introduction to Marketing
MUS 119 Introduction to Music Theory
PHIL 111 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 260 Ancient Philosophy
PHIL 322 Business Ethics
PHYS 102 Introductory Physics I
PHYS 103 Introductory Physics II
POL 202 International Relations
POL 201 American National Government
POL 360 International Political Economy
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology
PSY 240 Developmental Psychology
PSY 306 Evolutionary Psychology
PSY 352 Personality
PSY 375 Industrial-Organizational Psychology
RELI 160D4 Introduction to World Religions
RELI 200 Introduction to the Study of Religion
RELI 241 Introduction to Chinese Religions
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology