课程代码 | 课程名称 |
ACCT 200 | Introduction to Financial Accounting |
ACCT 210 | Introduction to Managerial Accounting |
ARH 201 | Survey of Western Art in Society: Prehistory through Gothic |
ARH 202 | Survey of Western Art in Society: Renaissance through Modern |
ARH 321 | Introduction to Contemporary Art |
ARH 324 | Introduction to the History of Photography |
ART 246 | Introduction to Darkroom Photography |
BNAD 450 | Principles of International Business |
BNAN 276 | Statistical Inference in Management |
BNAN 277 | Analytical Methods for Business |
BIOC 384 | Foundations in Biochemistry |
CHEM 151 | General Chemistry I |
CHEM 152 | General Chemistry II |
CHEM 241A | Lectures in Organic Chemistry |
COMM 119 | Public Speaking |
COMM 300 | Introduction to Communication Theory |
CSC 110 | Introduction to Computer Programming I |
CSC 144 | Discrete Math for CS I |
CSC 120 | Introduction to Computer Programming II |
CSC 244 | Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science II |
CSC 245 | Introduction to Discrete Structures |
CSC 252 | Computer Organization |
CSC 335 | Object-Oriented Programming and Design |
CSC 345 | Analysis of Discrete Structures |
ECE 351C | Electronic Circuits |
ECE 381A | Introductory Electromagnetics |
ECON 301 | Microeconomic Analysis and Applications |
ECON 331 | Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy |
ECON 361 | Intermediate Microeconomics |
ECON 332 | Intermediate Macroeconomics |
ECON 371 | Economic Development |
ECON 373 | Environmental Economics |
ECON 418 | Introduction to Econometrics |
ENGL 101 | First-Year Composition |
ENGL 102 | First-Year Composition |
ENGL 280 | Introduction to Literature |
ENGL 307 | Business Writing |
FIN 311 | Introduction to Finance |
FIN 422 | Risk Management and Derivatives |
HIST 160C1 | The Making of American Cultures, 1600-1877 |
HIST 150C3 | U.S. Society and Institutions Since 1877 |
HIST 208 | History of Africa |
HIST 160B2 | World History to 1600 |
HIST 150C4 | World History, 1600-2000 |
HIST 270 | Modern East Asia |
MATH 116 | Calculus Concepts for Business |
MATH 122B | First Semester Calculus |
MATH 129 | Calculus II |
MATH 163 | Basic Statistics |
MATH 215 | Introduction to Linear Algebra |
MATH 243 | Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science |
MATH 254 | Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations |
MATH 310 | Applied Linear Algebra |
MATH 413 | Linear Algebra |
MATH 415A | Introduction to Abstract Algebra |
MATH 445 | Introduction to Cryptography |
MATH 464 | The Theory of Probability |
MATH 466 | Theory of Statistics |
MATH 467 | Introduction to Applied Regression and Generalized Linear Models |
MSE 345 | Thermodynamics |
MGMT 310A | Organization Behavior and Management |
MGMT 330 | Introduction to Human Resources Management |
MKTG 306 | Consumer Behavior |
MKTG 361 | Introduction to Marketing |
MUS 119 | Introduction to Music Theory |
PHIL 111 | Introduction to Philosophy |
PHIL 260 | Ancient Philosophy |
PHIL 322 | Business Ethics |
PHYS 102 | Introductory Physics I |
PHYS 103 | Introductory Physics II |
POL 202 | International Relations |
POL 201 | American National Government |
POL 360 | International Political Economy |
PSY 101 | Introduction to Psychology |
PSY 240 | Developmental Psychology |
PSY 306 | Evolutionary Psychology |
PSY 352 | Personality |
PSY 375 | Industrial-Organizational Psychology |
RELI 160D4 | Introduction to World Religions |
RELI 200 | Introduction to the Study of Religion |
RELI 241 | Introduction to Chinese Religions |
SOC 101 | Introduction to Sociology |