University of California,Merced


课程代码 课程名称
ECON 006A Financial Accounting I
ECON 007 Managerial Accounting
BIO 002+002L Introduction to Molecular Biology+Lab
MGMT 135 Business Law
CHEM 002 General Chemistry I
CHEM 010 General Chemistry II
CHEM 008 Principles of Organic Chemistry
CSE 019 Introduction to Computing
CSE 022 Introduction to Programming
CSE 024 Advanced Programming
CSE 015 Discrete Mathematics
CSE 030 Data Structures
ECON 100 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
ECON 101 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
ECON 121 The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Institutions
ECON 150 Economic Development
ECON 110 Econometrics
WRI 001 Academic Writing
ECON 105 Corporate Finance
HIST 016 Forging of the United States, 1607-1877
HIST 017 Twentieth-Century America
HIST 010 Introduction to World History to 1500
HIST 011 Introduction to World History Since 1500
JPN 001 Elementary Japanese I
JPN 002 Elementary Japanese II
MATH 011 Calculus I
MATH 012 Calculus II
MATH 024 Linear Algebra and Differential Equations
MATH 101 Real Analysis
MGMT 124 Organizational Behavior and Leadership
ECON 108 Marketing and Consumer Behavior
 PHIL 001 Introduction to Philosophy
  PHIL 005 Introduction to Logic
PHIL 002 Introduction to Ethics
MGMT 123 Business Ethics
PHIL 130 Ancient Philosophy
PHYS 008+008L Introductory Physics I for Physical Sciences+Lab
PHYS 009+009L Introductory Physics II for Physical Sciences+Lab
POLI 005 Introduction to International Relations
POLI 001 Introduction to American Politics
PSY 001 Introduction to Psychology
PSY 156 Social Psychology
PSY 145 Human Sexuality
PSY 130 Developmental Psychology
PSY 159 Personality Psychology
PSY 142 Abnormal Psychology
SOC 001 Introduction to Sociology
MATH 032 Probability and Statistics