课程代码 | 课程名称 |
ECON 006A | Financial Accounting I |
ECON 007 | Managerial Accounting |
BIO 002+002L | Introduction to Molecular Biology+Lab |
MGMT 135 | Business Law |
CHEM 002 | General Chemistry I |
CHEM 010 | General Chemistry II |
CHEM 008 | Principles of Organic Chemistry |
CSE 019 | Introduction to Computing |
CSE 022 | Introduction to Programming |
CSE 024 | Advanced Programming |
CSE 015 | Discrete Mathematics |
CSE 030 | Data Structures |
ECON 100 | Intermediate Microeconomic Theory |
ECON 101 | Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory |
ECON 121 | The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Institutions |
ECON 150 | Economic Development |
ECON 110 | Econometrics |
WRI 001 | Academic Writing |
ECON 105 | Corporate Finance |
HIST 016 | Forging of the United States, 1607-1877 |
HIST 017 | Twentieth-Century America |
HIST 010 | Introduction to World History to 1500 |
HIST 011 | Introduction to World History Since 1500 |
JPN 001 | Elementary Japanese I |
JPN 002 | Elementary Japanese II |
MATH 011 | Calculus I |
MATH 012 | Calculus II |
MATH 024 | Linear Algebra and Differential Equations |
MATH 101 | Real Analysis |
MGMT 124 | Organizational Behavior and Leadership |
ECON 108 | Marketing and Consumer Behavior |
PHIL 001 | Introduction to Philosophy |
PHIL 005 | Introduction to Logic |
PHIL 002 | Introduction to Ethics |
MGMT 123 | Business Ethics |
PHIL 130 | Ancient Philosophy |
PHYS 008+008L | Introductory Physics I for Physical Sciences+Lab |
PHYS 009+009L | Introductory Physics II for Physical Sciences+Lab |
POLI 005 | Introduction to International Relations |
POLI 001 | Introduction to American Politics |
PSY 001 | Introduction to Psychology |
PSY 156 | Social Psychology |
PSY 145 | Human Sexuality |
PSY 130 | Developmental Psychology |
PSY 159 | Personality Psychology |
PSY 142 | Abnormal Psychology |
SOC 001 | Introduction to Sociology |
MATH 032 | Probability and Statistics |