University of Cincinnati


课程代码 课程名称
ACCT2081 Financial Accounting
ACCT2082 Managerial Accounting
ACCT 4083 Auditing
ACCT3073 Cost Accounting
ARTH 1001 History of Art I
ARTH 1002 History of Art II
ARTH 2070 Survey of Chinese Art
BIOL1081+1081L Biology I: Molecules, Cells, and the Foundation of Life+Lab
BIOL1082+1082L Biology II: Evolution, Physiology, and Ecology+Lab
CHEM 2030 Survey of Biochemistry I
BLAW 2080 Legal Environment of Business
CHE 3062 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
CHEM 1040+1040L General Chemistry I+Lab
CHEM1041+1041L General Chemistry II+Lab
CHEM2040 Organic Chemistry I
COMM 1071 Introduction to Effective Speaking
CS 1021C Computer Science 1
CS 1022C Computer Science 2
CS 3003 Programming Languages
CS 5137 Machine Learning
ECON1001 Introduction to Microeconomics
ECON1002 Introduction to Macroeconomics
ECON 2020 Intermediate Microeconomics
ECON 2030 Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECON 4030 Money and Banking
ECON 4010 Introduction to Econometrics
ENGL 1000 Introduction to English Composition
ENGL1001 English Composition
ENGL 1051 Introduction to Film Studies
ENGL 4091 Writing for Business
ENGL 2007 AMER Lit Survey I
ENGL 2008 AMER Lit Survey II
FIN 2050 Fundamentals of Business Finance
HIST 1001 United States History I
HIST 1002 United States History II
HIST 1003 World History I
HIST1004 World History II
HIST 1014 World History 20th Century
MATH1046 Business Calculus
MATH1061 Calculus I
MATH1062 Calculus II
MATH2076 Linear Algebra
MATH 2953 Calculus III
MATH 3004 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
MATH 5112 Applied Linear Algebra
MECH 2010 Thermodynamics
MECH 3011 Fluid Mechanics
MGMT 2070 Fundamentals of Management
MKTG2080 Introduction to Marketing
MKTG2085 Fundamentals of Consumer Behavior
MKTG2090 Fundamentals of Marketing Research
PHIL1000 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 2028 Business Ethics
PHIL 3060 Ancient Philosophy
PHYS 1051+1051L General Physics I (Algebra-based)+Lab
PHYS1052+1051L General Physics II (Algebra-based)+Lab
POL 1080 Introduction to International Relations
POL 1010 Introduction to American Politics
PSYC1001 Introduction to Psychology
PSYC2015 Social Psychology
PSYC2010 Human Sexuality
PSYC2005 Child and Adolescent Development
PSYC 3004 Industrial/Organizational Psychology
PSYC2053 Personality
RELG1001 Introduction to the Study of Religion
RELG 1002 Introduction to World Religions
RELG 2062 History and Thought: Buddhism
SOC1001 Introduction to Sociology
STAT 5131 Applied Statistics I
MATH 4008 Introduction to Probability
STAT 5122 Mathematical Statistics II