University of Colorado,Boulder


课程代码 课程名称
BCOR 2203 Principles of Accounting I
BCOR 2303 Principles of Accounting II
ARTS 1171 Photography for Non-Majors
ARTH 3539 Contemporary Art
ARTH 3619 The Arts of China
BCHM 2700 Foundations of Biochemistry
BCOR 2301 Business Law
CHEN 1300 Introduction to Chemical Engineering
CHEN 3200 Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics
CHEN 3320 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
CHEM 1113+1114 General Chemistry 1+Lab
CHEM 1133+1134 General Chemistry 2+Lab
CHEM 3311 Organic Chemistry 1
COMM 1300 Public Speaking
CSCI 2275 Programming and Data Structures
CSCI 3155 Principles of Programming Languages
CSCI 4622 Machine Learning
ECEN 2250 Introduction to Circuits and Electronics
ECON 2010 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 2020 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 3070 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
ECON 3080 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
ECON 4897 Economics of Organizations
ECON 4111 Money and Banking Systems
ECON 4818 Introduction to Econometrics
WRTG 1150 First-Year Writing and Rhetoric
WRTG 1250 Advanced First-Year Writing and Rhetoric
ENGL 2655 Introduction to American Literature I
ENGL 2665 Introduction to American Literature 2
BUSM 2021 Principles of Finance
HIST 1015 American History to 1865
HIST 1025 American History since 1865
HIST 1011 Greeks, Romans, Kings & Crusaders: European History to 1600
MATH 1300 Calculus 1
MATH 2300 Calculus 2
MATH 3130 Introduction to Linear Algebra
MATH 2400 Calculus 3
MATH 3430 Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH 2001 Introduction to Discrete Mathematics
MATH 3140 Abstract Algebra 1
MATH 4510 Introduction to Probability Theory
MATH 4470 Partial Differential Equations
MATH 2510 Introduction to Statistics
MCEN 2043 Dynamics
MCEN 3012 Thermodynamics
CVEN 3161 Mechanics of Materials 1
MCEN 3021 Fluid Mechanics
BUSM 2011 Principles of Management
MGMT 3100 Operations Management
MGMT 4140 Project Management
BUSM 2010 Principles of Marketing
MKTG 3250 Buyer Behavior
MUSC 1081 Intensive Music Theory
PHIL 1000 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 1010 Introduction to Western Philosophy: Ancient
PHIL 3030 Asian Philosophies
PHYS 1110 General Physics 1
PHYS 1120 General Physics 2
PSCI 2223 Introduction to International Relations
PSCI 1101 Introduction to American Politics
PSCI 3213 International Political Economy
PSYC 1001 General Psychology
PSYC 2606 Social Psychology
PSYC 3684 Developmental Psychology
PSYC 3456 Psychology of Personality
RLST 3800 Chinese Religions
RLST 3300 Foundations of Buddhism
SOCY 1001 Introduction to Sociology
MATH 4510 Introduction to Probability Theory
MATH 4520 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics