University of Colorado,Denver


课程代码 课程名称
ACCT 2200 Financial Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis
ACCT 2220 Managerial Accounting and Professional Issues
ACCT 3320 Intermediate Cost Accounting
BIOL 1560 Basic Biology: From Cells to Organisms
BIOL 1550 Basic Biology: Ecology and the Diversity of Life
BLAW 3050 Business Law and Ethics
CHEM 2031+2038 General Chemistry I+Lab
CHEM 2061+2068 General Chemistry II+Lab
CHEM 3411 Organic Chemistry I
COMM 1001 Presentational Speaking
COMM 1041 Interpersonal Communication
CSCI 2312 Object Oriented Programming
CSCI 2511 Discrete Structures 
CSCI 2421 Data Structures and Program Design
CSCI 3415 Principles of Programming Languages
CSCI 3453 Operating System Concepts
ELEC 3133 Electromagnetic Fields
ECON 2022 Principles of Economics: Microeconomics
ECON 2012 Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics
ECON 4071 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
ECON 4081 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
ECON 4110 Money and Banking
ECON 3801 Introduction to Mathematical Economics
ECON 4410 International Trade 
ECON 3366 Managerial Economics
ENGL 2450 Introduction to Literature
ENGL 1020 Core Composition I
ENGL 2030 Core Composition II
ENGL 2250 Introduction to Film
ENGL 3700 American Literature to the Civil War
ENGL 3750 American Literature after the Civil War
FNCE 3000 Principles of Finance
HIST 1361 U.S. History to 1876
HIST 1362 U.S. History Since 1876
HIST 1211 Western Civilization I
HIST 1212 Western Civilization II
HIST 1016 World History to 1500
HIST 1026 World History to 1500
MATH 1110 College Algebra
MATH 1401 Calculus I
MATH 2411 Calculus II
MATH 3200 Elementary Differential Equations
MATH 3195 Linear Algebra and Differential Equations
MATH 2421 Calculus III
MATH 3191 Applied Linear Algebra
MATH 4310 Introduction to Real Analysis I
MATH 4733 Partial Differential Equations
MATH 2830 Introductory Statistics
BANA 3000 Operations Management
MKTG 1000 Introduction to Marketing
MKTG 3200 Consumer Behavior
MKTG 4200 International Marketing
MKTG 3100 Marketing Research
PHIL 1012 Introduction to Philosophy: Relationship of the Individual to the World
PHIL 1020 Introduction to Ethical Reasoning
PHIL 3250 Business Ethics 
PHIL 3002 Ancient Greek Philosophy
PHYS 2010 College Physics I
PHYS 2311 General Physics I: Calculus-Based
PHYS 2020 College Physics II
PHYS 2331 General Physics II: Calculus-Based
PSCI 1101 American Political System
PSYC 1000 Introduction to Psychology I
SOCY 2462 Introduction to Social Psychology
PSYC 3235 Human Sexuality
RLST 1610 Introduction to Religious Studies
RLST 2660 World Religions
SOCY 1001 Understanding the Social World
MATH 4830 Applied Statistics
MATH 4810 Introduction to Probability
MATH 4387 Applied Regression Analysis
MATH 4820 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics