University of Connecticut


课程代码 课程名称
ACCT 2001 Principles of Financial Accounting
ACCT 2101 Principles of Managerial Accounting
ARTH 1137 Introduction to Art History: Prehistoric-14th Century
ARTH 1138 Introduction to Art History: 15th Century - Present
BIOL 1107 Principles of Biology I
BIOL 1108 Principles of Biology II
BLAW 3175 The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business
CHEM 1127Q General Chemistry I
CHEM 1128Q General Chemistry II
COMM 1100 Principles of Public Speaking
CSE 1100 Introduction to Computing
CSE 1729 Introduction to Principles of Programming
CSE 1102 Object Oriented Design and Programming
CSE 2100 Data Structures and Introduction to Algorithms
ECON 1201 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 1202 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 2201 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
ECON 2202 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
ECON 2411 Money and Banking
ENGL 1004 Introduction to Academic Writing
ENGL 2201 American Literature to 1880
ENGL 2203 American Literature Since 1880
HIST 1501 United States History to 1877
HIST 1502 U.S. History Since 1877
MATH 1131Q Calculus I 
MATH 1132Q Calculus II 
MATH 1030Q Elementary Discrete Mathematics
STAT 1000Q Introduction to Statistics I
STAT 2215Q Introduction to Statistics II
OPIM 3104 Operations Management
MKTG 3208 Consumer Behavior
MKTG 3260 Marketing Research
MUSI 1001 Music Appreciation
PHIL 1101 Problems of Philosophy
PHYS 1201Q General Physics
PHYS 1501Q Physics for Engineers I
PHYS 1202Q General Physics
PSYC 1100 General Psychology I
PSYC 2400 Developmental Psychology
ANTH 3401 World Religions
SOCI 1001 Introduction to Sociology