University of Denver


课程代码 课程名称
ACTG 2010 Survey of Accounting
ACTG 2200 Introduction to Financial Reporting
ACTG 2300 Accounting for Decision Making
ACTG 3018 Intermediate Financial Accounting I
ACTG 3038 Accounting Core II - Intermediate Financial Accounting II
ARTH 2801 World Art I: Prehistory to c. 1000
ARTH 2803 World Art III: 1700 to the Present
ARTH 1060 Contemporary Art Worlds
BIOL 1011+1021 Evolution, Heredity and Biodiversity+Lab
LGST 2000 Foundations of Business Law
CHEM 1010+1240 General Chemistry I+Lab
CHEM 1020+1250 General Chemistry II+Lab
CHEM 2451 Organic Chemistry I
COMN 1012 Speaking on Ideas that Matter
COMN 2100 Fundamentals of Communication Theory
COMP 1671 Introduction to Computer Science I 
COMP 1672 Introduction to Computer Science II
COMP 2300 Discrete Structures in Computer Science
COMP 2370 Introduction to Algorithms & Data Structures
COMP 3351 Programming Languages
ECON 2020 Intermediate Microeconomics
ECON 2030 Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECON 2250 Money & Banking
ECON 3500 Economic Development 
WRIT 1122 Rhetoric and Academic Writing 
WRIT 1133 Writing and Research
ENGL 2750 American Literature Survey I
ENGL 2751 American Literature Survey II
FIN 2010 Survey in Finance
FIN 3300 Investments
HIST 1530 History of the United States since 1865
JAPN 1001 Elementary Japanese
JAPN 1002 Elementary Japanese
MATH 1951 Calculus I
MATH 1952 Calculus I
MATH 2060 Elements of Linear Algebra
MATH 2070 Introduction to Differential Equations
MATH 1953 Calculus I
MATH 3651 Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH 3170 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
MATH 3661 Partial Differential Equations
MGMT 2021 Managing Complex Organizations
INFO 1020 Analytics II: Business Statistics and Analysis
MGMT 2040 Managing Human Resources
MKTG 2800 Introduction to Marketing
MKTG 2910  Consumer Behavior
MKTG 2930 Methods of Marketing Research
PHIL 1610 Discovering Philosophy
PHIL 2180 Ethics
PHYS 1211 University Physics I 
PHYS 1112 General Physics II
PLSC 1000 Introduction to American Politics
PSYC 1001 Foundations of Psychological Science
PSYC 2740 Social Psychology
PSYC 2090 Human Sexuality
SOCI 1810 Understanding Social Life
SOCI 2320 Race and Ethnic Relations
MATH 3080 Introduction to Probability