University of Detroit Mercy


课程代码 课程名称
ACC 2010 Principles of Accounting I
ACC 2020 Principles of Accounting II
ACC 3110 Intermediate Accounting I
ACC 3120 Intermediate Accounting II
ACC 3320 Cost Accounting Planning and Control
ACC 4510 Auditing
BIO 1200 General Biology I
BIO 1200&BIO 1210 General Biology I&General Biology Laboratory I
BIO 1220 General Biology II
BIO 1220&BIO 1230 General Biology II&General Biology Laboratory II
BUS 2310 Business Law
BUS 2950 Principles of Managerial Economics
BUS 3120 Principles of Marketing
BUS 3130 Financial Management
BUS 3150 Quantitative Methods for Decision-Making
BUS 3170 Management of Information Systems
BUS 3300 Fundamentals of Investments
BUS 3340 Corporate Finance
BUS 3510 Human Resources Management
BUS 3820 Consumer Behavior
BUS 3860 Business Research Methods
CHM 1070 General Chemistry I
CHM 1070&CHM 1100 General Chemistry I&Chemistry Laboratory I
CHM 1080 General Chemistry II
CHM 1080&CHM 1120 General Chemistry II&Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
CHM 2270 Organic Chemistry I
CST 1010 Fundamentals of Speech
CST 2040 Interpersonal Communication
CSSE 1710 Introduction to Programming I
CSSE 1720 Introduction to Programming II
CSSE 3430 Data Structures
CSSE 3540 Database Systems and Programming
CSSE 4490 Operating Systems
CSSE 4550 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
ECN 1000 Introduction to Economics
ECN 2950 Microeconomic Principles
ECN 2960 Macroeconomic Principles
ECN 3050 Money and the Financial System
ECN 3150 Intermediate Microeconomics
ECN 3160 Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECN 4150 Econometrics I
ELEE 3540 Electronic Systems
ELEE 3660 Electromagnetics
ELEE 3880 Signals and Systems
ENL 1300 College Writing
ENL 3030 Technical Writing
ENL 3080 Business Writing
ENL 3110 American Literature to 1865
ENL 3120 American Literature 1865-1920
ETH 2590 Business Ethics
HIS 2500 United States History to 1877
HIS 2510 United States Since 1877
JPN 1100 Introduction to Japanese I
JPN 1110 Introduction to Japanese II
MTH 1410 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
MTH 1420 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II
MTH 2410 Analytic Geometry and Calculus III
MTH 2760 Discrete Structures
MTH 3020 Linear Algebra with Applications
MTH 4050 Abstract Algebra I
MTH 4350 Real Analysis I
PHL 1000 Introduction to Philosophy
PHL 2010 Foundations of Ethics
PHL 3010 Social and Political Philosophy
PHL 3060 Ancient Philosophy
PHY 1300&PHY 1310 General Physics I&Laboratory I
PHY 1320&PHY 1330 General Physics II&Laboratory II
PHY 1600 General Physics I
PHY 1600&PHY 1610 General Physics I&Laboratory I
PHY 1620 General Physics II
PHY 1620&PHY 1630 General Physics II&Laboratory II
POL 2100 American Politics
PYC 1000 Introduction to Psychology
PYC 2500 Developmental Psychology
PYC 2600 Social Psychology
PYC 2750 Human Sexuality
PYC 3410 Psychology of Personality
PYC 3420 Abnormal Psychology
PYC 3700 Industrial and Organizational Psychology
RELS 2001 The Study of Religions
RELS 2030 Western Religions
SOC 1000 Introduction to Sociology