University of Illinois At Urbana Champaign


课程代码 课程名称
ACCY 200   Fundamentals of Accounting
ACCY 201 Accounting and Accountancy I
ACCY 202  Accounting and Accountancy II
ART 151   Black & White Film Photography
ARTH 111   Ancient to Medieval Art
ARTH 112   Renaissance to Modern Art
ARTH 214   Art in China
ARTH 242 Art Since 1940
BADM 210 Business Analytics I
BADM 300   The Legal Environment of Bus
BADM 380   International Business
BADM 275   Fundamentals of Operations Management
BADM 310 Mgmt and Organizational Beh
BADM 320   Principles of Marketing
BADM 322   Marketing Research
BADM 325   Consumer Behavior
BADM 377 Project Management
BADM 449 Business Policy and Strategy
BTW 250   Principles Bus Comm
CHBE 321 Thermodynamics
CHEM 102+103   General Chemistry I+Lab
CHEM 104+105 General Chemistry II+Lab
CHEM 236   Fundamental Organic Chem I
CMN 101 Public Speaking
CS 105 Intro Computing: Non-Tech
CS 124   Introduction to Computer Science I
CS 446 Machine Learning
CS 101   Intro Computing: Engrg & Sci
CS 125   Intro to Computer Science
ECE 205   Electrical and Electronic Circuits
ECE 310   Digital Signal Processing
ECE 385   Digital Systems Laboratory
ECE 459 Communication Systems
ECON 437   Game Theory
ECON 102   Microeconomic Principles
ECON 103   Macroeconomic Principles
ECON 302   Inter Microeconomic Theory
ECON 303   Inter Macroeconomic Theory
ENGL 255   Early American Literature and Culture
ENGL 256   Survey of American Lit II
ENGL 104   Introduction to Film
ESL 111   Intro to Academic Writing I
ESL 112   Intro to Academic Writing II
ESL 115   Principles of Academic Writing
HIST 100   Global History
HIST 112 History of Africa from 1800
HIST 259   20thC World from Midcentury
MATH 112   Algebra
MATH 347   Fundamental Mathematics
MATH 221 Calculus I
MATH 234   Calculus for Business I
MATH 442   Intro Partial Diff Equations
MATH 444   Elementary Real Analysis
MATH 461   Probability Theory
MATH 225   Introduction to Linear Algebra
MATH 231 Calculus II
MATH 241 Calculus III
MATH 285 Intro Differential Equations
MATH 415   Applied Linear Algebra
MATH 417   Intro to Abstract Algebra
ME 200   Thermodynamics
MUS 103   Rudiments of Music Theory I
PHIL 202   Symbolic Logic
PHIL 203 Ancient Philosophy
PHIL 210   Ethics
PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy
PHYS 101 College Physics: Mech & Heat
PHYS 102 College Physics: E&M & Modern
PHYS 211   University Physics: Mechanics
PHYS 212   University Physics: Elec & Mag
PS 101   Intro to US Gov & Pol
PS 382   Intl Political Economy
PSYC 100   Intro Psych
PSYC 201   Intro to Social Psych
PSYC 250   Psych of Personality
PSYC 327   Psychology of Human Sexuality
REL 110   World Religions
REL 287   Introduction to Buddhism
SE 261   Business Side of Engineering
SOC 100   Introduction to Sociology
SOC 200   Introduction to Sociological Theory
STAT 100   Statistics
STAT 430   Topics in Applied Statistics
TAM 335   Introductory Fluid Mechanics