University of Kentucky


课程代码 课程名称
ACC 201 Financial Accounting I
ACC 202 Managerial Uses of Accounting Information
ACC 403 Auditing
ACC 418 Cost Management
BIO 103 Basic Ideas of Biology
BIO 103+BIO 111 General Biology Laboratory
BIO 148 Introductory Biology I
BIO 148+BIO 155 Introductory Biology I+Laboratory for Introductory Biology I
CHE 105 General College Chemistry I
CHE 105+CHE 111 General College Chemistry I+Laboratory
CHE 107 General College Chemistry II
CHE 107+CHE 113 General College Chemistry II+Laboratory
CHE 230 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ
CME 320 Engineering Thermodynamics
CME 330 Fluid Mechanics
COM 181 Basic Public Speaking
CS 275 Discrete Mathematics
CS 460G Machine Learning
CS 115 Introducting to Computer programming
ECO 327 Strategic Desicion Making: an Introduction to Game Theory
ECO 401 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
ECO 402 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
ECO 471 International Trade
ECO 473G Economic Development
ECO 601 Advanced Microeconomics Theory
ECO 702 Advanced Macroeconomics Theory
ECO 703 Introduction to Econometrics I
ECO 610 Managerial Economics
ENG 280 Introduction to Film
FIN 300 Corporate Finance
FIN 423 International Finance
HIS 108 History of the United States Through 1876
HIS 109 History of the United States Since 1877
JPN 101 Beginning Japanese I
MA 113 Calculus I
MA 114 Calculus II
MA 213 Calculus III
MA 320 Introductory Probability
MA 481G Differential Equations
MA 483G Introductory to Partial Differential Equations
MA 565 Linear Algebra
ME 220 Engineering Thermodynamics
ME 330 Fluid Mechanics
MGT 309 Introduction to International Business
MGT 320 Survey of Human Resources Management
MGT 410 Analysis of Organizational Behavior
MKT 300 Marketing Management
MKT 310 Consumer Behavior
MKT 340 Introductory Marketing Research
MKT 435 International Marketing
PHI 100 Introduction to Philosophy: Knowledge and Reality
PHI 120 The Art of Thinking: Introduction to Logic
PHI 330 Ethics
PHI 334 Business Ethics
PHI 343 Asian Philosophy
PHY 231+241 General University Physics+Lab
PHY 232+242 General University Physics+Lab
PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology
PSY 344 Social Psychology
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology
STA 293 Probability
STA 320 Introductory Probability
STA 569 Applied Statistical Methods