University of Missouri


课程代码 课程名称
ACCTCY 2026 Accounting I
ACCTCY 2027 Accounting II
ARH_VS 1110 Ancient and Medieval Art
ARH_VS 1120 Renaissance through Modern Art
BIO_SC 2300 Introduction to Cell Biology
CHEM 1320 College Chemistry I
CHEM 1330 College Chemistry II
COMMUN 1200 Public Speaking
COMMUN 3441 Nonverbal Communication
ECONOM 1014 Principles of Microeconomics
ECONOM 1015 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECONOM 3251 Managerial Economics
ECONOM 4317 Urban Economics
FINANC 3000 Corporate Finance
FINANC 4020 Investments
HIST 1100 Survey of American History to 1865
HIST 1200 Survey of American History Since 1865
JAPNSE 1100 Elementary Japanese I
JAPNSE 1200 Elementary Japanese II
MANGMT 2700 Introduction to Entrepreneurship
MANGMT 3000 Principles of Management
MANGMT 4010 Operations Management
MANGMT 4020 Human Resource Management
MANGMT 4030 Organizational Behavior
MANGMT 4060 Project Management Fundamentals
MRKTNG 3000 Principles of Marketing
MRKTNG 4050 Marketing Research
MRKTNG 4220 Consumer Behavior
MATH 1100 College Algebra
MATH 1500 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
MATH 1700 Calculus II
MATH 2300 Calculus III
MATH 2320 Discrete Mathematical Structures
MATH 3000 Introduction to Advanced Mathematics
MATH 4315 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
MATH 4320 Introduction to Probability Theory
PHIL 1000 The Big Questions: An Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 1100 The Difference Between Right and Wrong: An Introduction to Ethics
PHIL 1150 Introductory Bioethics
PHIL 1200 How to Think: Logic and Reasoning for Everyday Life
PHYSCS 1210 College Physics I
PHYSCS 1220 College Physics II
PHYSCS 2750 University Physics I
PHYSCS 2760 University Physics II
POL_SC 1100 American Government
PSYCH 1000 General Psychology
PSYCH 2310 Social Psychology
PSYCH 2320 Introduction to Personality
PSYCH 2410 Developmental Psychology
PSYCH 2510 Survey of Abnormal Psychology
PSYCH 2810 Human Sexuality
REL_ST 1100 Introduction to Religion
REL_ST 2110 Global Religions
REL_ST 3220 Tibetan Buddhism
SOCIOL 1000 Introduction to Sociology
STAT 1300 Elementary Statistics