University of North Carolina, Wilmington


课程代码 课程名称
ACG 201 Financial Accounting
ACG 203 Managerial Accounting
ARH 201 Ancient Through Medieval Art and Archaeology
ARH 202 Renaissance Through Early Twentieth Century
BIO 201 Principles of Biology: Cells
BIO 202 Principles of Biology: Biodiversity
CHM 101 +CHML 101 General Chemistry I+Lab
CHM 102 +CHML 102 General Chemistry II+Lab
CHM 211 Organic Chemistry I
COM 101 Public Speaking
COM 220 Interpersonal Communication
CSC 133 Discrete Mathematical Structures
CSC 231 Introduction to Data Structures
CSC 242 Computer Organization
CSC 342 Operating Systems
ECN 221 Principles of Economics-Micro
ECN 222 Principles of Economics-Macro
ECN 321 Intermediate Microeconomics
ECN 322 Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECN 324/FIN 324 Financial Markets and Institutions
ECN 325 Environmental Economics
ENG 101 College Writing and Reading I
ENG 201 College Writing and Reading II
ENG 110 Introduction to Literature
ENG 223 American Literature to 1870
ENG 224 American Literature Since 1870
ENG 225 World Literature to 1600
ENG 226 World Literature Since 1600
FIN 330 Principles of Investments
FIN 332 Risk Management and Insurance
FIN 335 Principles of Financial Management
HST 105 United States to 1865
HST 106 United States from 1865 to Present
HST 101 Western Civilization I
HST 102 Western Civilization II
JPN 101 Introductory Japanese I
JPN 102 Introductory Japanese II
MAT 161 Calculus with Analytical Geometry I
MAT 162 Calculus with Analytical Geometry II
MAT 261 Multivariate Calculus
MAT 335 Linear Algebra and Matrices
MAT 336 Abstract Algebra I
MAT 361 Differential Equations
MGT 350 Principles of Management
MGT 356 Human Resource Management
MGT 358 Organizational Behavior
MGT 455 Competitive Strategy
MKT 340 Principles of Marketing
MKT 349 Consumer Behavior
MKT 442 International Marketing
PHY 101 Elementary College Physics I
PHY 102 Elementary College Physics II
PHY 201 General Physics I
PHY 202 General Physics II
PLS 101 American National Government
PLS 111 Politics and Government in Global Perspective
PSY 105 General Psychology
SOC 105 Introductory Sociology