University of Oregon


课程代码 课程名称
Actg 211 Introduction to Accounting I
Actg 213 Introduction to Accounting II
ARH 204 History of Western Art I: Ancient
ARH 206 History of Western Art III: Baroque to Present
ARH 208 History of Chinese Art
ARH 315 History of World Architecture II
ARTO 250 Intro to Photography
BI 211 General Biology I: Cells
BI 212 General Biology II: Organisms
CH 221 General Chemistry I
CH 222 General Chemistry II
CH 221&CH 227 General Chemistry I&Gen Chemistry Lab
CH 222&CH 228 General Chemistry II&Gen Chemistry Lab
CIS 122 Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving
EC 201 Intro Econ Analy Micro
EC 202 Intro Econ Analy Macro
EC 311 Interm Microec Theory
EC 313 Interm Macroec Theory
EC 320 Intro to Econometrics
EC 327 Intro to Game Theory
FIN 316 Financial Management
FIN 463 International Finance
LAW 104 Intro to Business Law
MATH 251 Calculus I
MATH 252 Calculus II
MATH 253 Calculus III
MATH 256 Intro Differ Equations
MATH 342 Elem Linear Algebra
MGMT 415 Human Resources Management
MKTG 390 Marketing Research
MKTG 435 Consumer Behavior
MKTG 445 Entrepreneurial Marketing
PS 201 US Politics
PSY 201/PSY 202 Mind and Brain/Mind and Society
SOC 204 Intro Sociology
WR 121 College Composition I